Will Doing Away with the 2nd Amendment Cause a Civil War?

That’s not going to do crap. Do you really think the next mass shooter is going to care to pay a couple extra dollars in tax before he goes on a murderous suicide rampage?

OK, that’s your opinion. Some “common sense” gun control measures are basically total bans, or the road to it. Death by a thousand cuts is the left’s way.

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All civil wars are insurrections.

At some point, voters will get tired of all the stalling and deflection and demand new laws.

Great idea! Another black market item to smuggle.

And they will meet the Constitution.

American don’t have the balls to start a civil war.

They can always change the constitution…

The left is the only ones who want it.

Yea, of course you do. I’m sure you don’t want to ban them either, huh? Pfffffffffffffft!

They who? How many times?

Yea & you don’t want to ban guns either, huh? Again, Pfffffffffft!

We aren’t deceived by the left like the useful idiots are. We know they want to do away with our rights.

so your going to start killing law enforcement and military personal.

Of course, the left wants to ban guns for “Safety” just as I said in the OP, then they will run over us on the right setting up a socialist 3rd world country & leaving us with no weapons to fight back with. We already understand that from the left’s track record all over the world so it will cause a civil war at the outset of a total gun ban. My point is a civil war won’t make us safe.

I don’t believe in absolute rights.

I don’t have any rights. I the ability to make choices and I will be judged on the choices I make.

As the bible writer said all things are lawful but not all things are advantageous.

Media coverage on the movement to ban guns.



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And yet you have them.

And yet you do. Are you willing to give up your rights to “help” your fellow man? How about you and your family stand outside in the yard while the police go through everything you own and trash your house doing it to help your fellow man? No warrant. Middle of the night.

And how about we let them go through your whole family’s internet history and listen in on your phone calls?

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The right has been relying on the support of useful idiots for many things. A good example is the repeal of Obamacare. Kentucky residents overwhelmingly have wanted to repeal it. Yet their residents love their state exchange, which is Obamacare. The NRA has been relying on the same demographic.

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It could happen one day.