Why would asking for an investigation of a political opponent, who has been accused in news reports of potentially corrupt actions, be an abuse of power?

Even better… They got jobs in the WH with Daddy! AND they get to continue to run their international business while doing it! :joy:


There are plenty of White House jobs to go around… For instance, you could be the president’s personal attorneys son and be a “liason” for visiting sports teams. In these times of streamlined government, some jobs are just too important to forgo…

Look at.you whining about abuse of power.

Typed without one iota of irony.


Look at you whining about other posters.

Think of the Socialist group Civil Society 2.0 who’s job is to create the opposition along with the support of the State Department and Soros NGO’s.

Oppositions groups are created to over throw Conservative Governments around the world all the way down to American restaurants like Chick-fil-A.

They will do anything to protect them selves to include lie to the American people about things like Russian collusion.

These same people are responsible for Libya, Egypt and ISIS and I hope they are charged with crimes against humanity because these people are sick.

Have you suspected the same?

Imagine if Hunter Biden worked for his Dad in the White House while running an international business. Or let’s say, while being on the board of a foriegn company. Cons would trash them. Yet here we are

It’s freakin hilarious. Everybody else is bad, but Trump and Co are good. Then harp on “NeverTrumpers”

They’re called “facts.” Which conservatives seem to have trouble comprehending and accepting.

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If laughing in your face is whining then that explains everything

Conservatives comprehend just fine, it’s the Always-Trumpers that are having the difficulties.

Luckily Donald Trump exposed who falls into which camp.

You seems to have emotional involvement here…should I be concerned?

Thank you for pointing the finger elsewhere and not answering the question.

Nah…low hanging fruit

And yet it’s still out of your reach…

Not really. I get it. Wallets count more

Empty wallet…

Then trump would be gone

Speaking of which, here’s fat donald going bat ■■■■ crazy over the Crowdstrike conspiracy theory.
FYI, Crowdstrike is based in CA and one of its founders was born in Russia.


Right. “Facts”. In quotes.