Why we need to be worried about America's "best and brightest"

I now volunteer at a youth ranch working with the horses and being a mentor. I will admit I haven’t been wearing a helmet when on horseback lately- I’ve been wearing a wide-brimmed fedora. But I also know that these horses have very mild personalities and are good with children. They have to be, to be at a youth ranch. I also know how to react if the horse gets spooked. And, when on the ground, I make sure to approach the horse where they can see me and then, only then, go around to where their back legs are, or, I just make sure to stay out of kicking range. But another reason is that I just can’t be bothered to go out and buy one, which translates to laziness.

It’s not applicable to this type of situation, but I think a lot of these students may have been riding bikes for a long time, and/or can’t be bothered to get a helmet. That doesn’t mean something can’t happen.

All in all, it’s best to be prepared, and safe, not sorry. Take necessary precautions.

On the 3rd hand…

Seriously man… Groundhog day.

Vaccination reduces chance of infection if exposed to the virus… so yes… if someone who is vaccinated does get infected their viral load is similar to an unvaccinated person but they will tend to clear the virus faster with less severe illness and be a disease vector for a shorter period of time.

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Bill- To be fair, I don’t think the two scenarios are quite identical. Both are preventable, yes, but COVID-19 is a hypercontagious virus that spreads like wildfire. Bicycle accidents, unless it’s like the French Tour earlier this year (that big pile-up), or involving another vehicle (whether bicycle or automobile), it’s not going to affect other people. Yes, it’s been shown that vaccinated people still spread the virus, I’ll give you that, but, the faster your immune system can defeat it- as shown with prior immunity- I would think the less chance of contagion. One person = one bed.

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Yes, deaths and injuries are always tragic.

This thread is a true microcosm of the Hannity Community experience.


Your general issue is on the mark, I think. The particular example … maybe maybe not.

The mask would prevent him from eating bugs while riding his bike.

Because of the covid nonsense, I have some N95 and P95 masks . I was doing some driveway crack filling, torching asphalt “ropes” to melt them into the crack. I did it two years ago and breathing that stuff was a nasty experience. Since I have plenty of masks, this year… properly fitted, a P95 with a 3M “cool flow” exhale port was great! I could barely smell the stuff.

All I’m saying is that maybe they arn’t wearing masks for any COVID reasons.

Is there any evidence that vaccinated are any less contagious?

The line from the media has been that breakthrough cases are very rare and the disease an “epidemic of the unvaccinated”. A vaccinated MSNBC host was surprised to get the disease and see it spread to all the vaccinated people in her family. See video starting at 4:15:

I would note that Fauci quotes what appears to be outdated and misleading numbers without mentioning the source of the data. Of course the vast majority of deaths have been unvaccinated since the disease was killing people for a year before anyone was fully vaccinated. Even if the vaccine were a placebo, 90+% of the deaths would be unvaccinated.

Did Fauci go to Stanford?

I bet one of those people helped develop the software of this board that allows you to post the silly thing you do😉

I was just read something on that- scroll down to the second section:

You are joking right?

Hope they didn’t waste money on college for it. I’ve been building toys like this since I was a kid. :rofl:

Personally IMO Fauci needs to be on death row for treason, but my opinion is only an opinion.

Yes, that is from May, which is before the Delta variant became dominant.

The vaccines were highly effective with the early variants based on the data available in May. Since then is has become apparent that the vaccines are extremely leaky with the new variants and whatever effectiveness they have in reducing transmission evaporates after a few months. The only real protection is natural immunity.

Fauci keeps ignoring the science to push forced vaccinations. This is sick.

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Those are good examples but the exception, not the rule.


MySpace HTML does not count.

But PHP and Ruby do. Why be a dummy and waste money when the internet is free? :rofl:

I’m not even sure that would help- can’t fight something if it overwhelms you- but I do sympathize with you.

It keeps getting worse and worse. And, I just want to apologize for my earlier position with the hospitals. I’m just so frustrated and hearing second hand that people keep dying, people keep not getting care because resourcesare stretched thin, people so afraid that they’re gonna catch it, and how politicians have used this as a political football and now people don’t trust anyone, is doing so much harm.

This virus is the death knell to a free society it seems.

Absolutely. They’re also evidence that college isn’t for everyone.

Yes, Fauci has repeatedly made false or misleading statements to Congress about this funding of the dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan. He should be fired and face prosecution in my opinion.

The White House has been spreading disinformation that discounts natural immunity. The reality is that vaccinated people are far more likely to get the disease than those with natural immunity. The White House and Democratic governors are trying to fire people with superior immunity for being a danger to society. They are disregarding the science to push a failed policy.

Maybe Fauci and Becerra can get jobs teaching at Stanford?


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