Why so serious?

I think the mods should just let things go longer and see how it plays out before deleting posts unless someone, especially the OP, actually flags a post.

If a thread goes off in another direction from what the OP originally started discussing and the OP is cool with it, does it harm the forum experience for others?

The problem here is we have those that purposely try to derail a threat with second or third post into a new thread.

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Just watch the thread 10 or so posts and see if it recovers or becomes an issue. Also thats open to interpretation since I’ve personally been accused of trying to derail a thread when that was not my intent.

Interesting choice of words. Are you admitting that is/was your intentions?

Freudian slip. :wink:

I correct my error. Its never my intent.

Here is prime example of what I’m talking about.

It seems when one is uncomfortable with topic…or the truth one deflects.

And that’s not counting the posts mods deleted before I requested thread closer.

That’s not a derail, its on topic in a politics forum where a supporter of one president is complaining about another president when the president they support is guilty of the same thing they are accusing the other of.

It I started a thread complaining about how corrupt Trump is you bet there would be posters bringing up Obama’s sins.

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it seems when one is uncomfortable with the topic… or the truth one requests threads to be closed.

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It was about Biden comment. Not Trump, not me or your. Biden and comment he made.

Thanks for proving Mods point and what they have to deal with.

So comparing politicians is only allowed in one direction? Is it the job of the mods to protect honored guests from making themselves come across as hypocritical?

Then start your own thread…

That would be a call out thread and that is against the rules.

Not my problem if one lacks any imagination.

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That’s not banned. The answer is nobody.

This “joke” thing is starting to take on life.

The posts were not deleted for joking. Nobody was banned or even suspended.

Fair enough, I don’t belong in this thread and I am going to see myself out.

Here is the actual event leading to this thread:

Somebody made a typo

1 made a poem mocking the typo - so far so good

2 posts a meme making fun of the typo again

I post “Now it’s about the typo” in reply to 2’s meme. A hint to get back on topic and not dog pile.

Then, instead of taking the hint and moving on, 2 wants to make a debate out of it.

So I deleted them all. I couldn’t see deleting some off topic and leaving others. Not because of the poem, not even because of the meme. Because it doesn’t stop.

I’m not a lib.

It might have stopped if you had just deleted the derail about it being derail. You didn’t give it long enough, imho.

We did. The OPs weren’t “cool with it”.

That is exactly the problem.

We did. It never stops.