Why Libs are dumbasses

Great question! KJP said there is no daylight between Kam and Biden their policies are the same. Kam said she was the last person to leave every meeting. So she was totally involved. And thirdly, after being put in charge of the border crises, what recommendations did she have that were denied?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I’ve found that most of the right who call the dems communists or commie or any other form of the word have no idea what the word actually means


Socialism cannot exist without totalitarianism.


Republicans didn’t write the tax code by themselves.


Libs promote and/or believe that the US is going to become Denmark and Norway!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


She got a pass!

Econ 101. Freshman in a community college.

Come on man!

It’s not that they don’t want to. They can’t.


Everybody doesn’t have capital and the machine has to be fed.

Plus it was already taxed.

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Did you not know?

No you haven’t.

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While importing Venezuela. Weird


This is gibberish.

I get a handout just for having most of my income in stocks.

It was already taxed.

Not my capital gains

Of course it was, don’t be absurd.

In some ways yes…but we are Americans…we can do it even better.

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:rofl: Outstanding!

You guys are amazing! In one post you state you are ok with keeping your money, you are not morally against it, yet here you are complaining about it. GET OFF THE FENCE MAN!!! Either you are for it or you are not. If you are ok with keeping your money, then why are you trying to use current tax laws as a bludgeon to beat Republicans over the head with? If you are not ok with keeping more of your money, WHO THE HELL IS FORCING YOU TO? See, that’s the beauty of your situation. It gives YOU the ability to do with YOUR MONEY what YOU want to do with it. If you feel you have or make too much, take the percentage you claim you should have to pay and give it to charity. Start a foundation. Provide a scholarship to someone you feel worthy. Open a shelter…

This faux outrage and moral superiority does absolutely NOTHING to help anyone except somehow make you feel better about yourself.

Why do you feel the government not only ought to take more of your money, but is somehow wiser and better about how it should be used to benefit others? The government literally wasted tens of billions of dollars. We are borrowing money to fund things we have no business funding. We don’t have to agree on what is wasteful, but surely we agree they do so… Pick one single thing the government funds that you feel is outright wasteful and pretend that money they are wasting is the extra money you feel you ought to be paying in taxes. Here’s a thought- how about if the government STOPS WASTING MONEY FIRST! THEN WE CAN TALK ABOUT TAX RATES THAT ARE ACTUALLY NECESSARY!

I can give you an example. Our government paid millions of dollars to fund college educations for Egyptians IN EGYPT. Why the hell should I or you bring paying for that? Would you personally cut a check to an Egyptian student in Egypt to go to college, especially if it was someone you don’t know or never heard about? C’mon man, does that make sense to you?

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