Why Libs are dumbasses

Of all the stupid things Libs believe, the thing I have the hardest time understanding, is why they believe that “taxing the rich” or making them pay their “fair share”, actually taxes the rich or makes them pay their fair share.

And even more mystifying is why they don’t see a contradiction in all the billionaires that support Libs like Commie Laharris. How can a person believe that billionaires, who got rich through greed and screwing the poor on their income side, are suddenly going to change into humanitarians that love to voluntarily give their money away on the tax side? And giving more to the government, which squanders most of the revenue it receives on things and causes they don’t support, is just plain nuts.

Increasing taxes on “rich” people and corporations NEVER affects rich people and corporations because rich people are able to shield their income from taxes and corporations simply pass the increase along to their consumers through raising prices, stopping capital expenditures (which create jobs and revenue), or worse yet, by laying off or outright downsize their employees out of a job entirely.

The ONLY people that pay more and are hurt the most by “taxing the rich” is the middle class. The poor simply receive more in government handouts to make up for increased prices and the rich continue on getting richer. The disparity between rich and middle class only grows bigger as taxes are increased.

The populist idea of equality and worse, equity, is an unachievable lie and is what led to every Communist Revolution in history, and every Communist revolution brought about nothing but oppression and abject poverty to the very people who supported their leaders, yet this is what Libism is really about. The rich people who are funding this movement are very aware of this, but the useful idiots, aka Libs, care only about the vain words of their beloved, benevolent leaders who proclaim their undying love for their people.

Are you guys totally unable to look at what your leaders have ACTUALLY done, as opposed to what they say they have done, or are going to do? Are you absolutely incapable of looking at the similarities of the Communist Revolutionists, the ideas they espoused and comparing them to what your own leaders are saying and doing? They are promoting outright Marxism in everything they say and do, yet it FEEEEELS so good to imagine a Communist/Lib utopia that you guys believe it can be created just by words and desire.

I say NO, YOU ARE NOT capable of rational thought. 40 years of Communists controlling the public schools have not only destroyed the capacity for critical thinking in people, but have produced a media that is full of the same useful idiots that are the products of that same “education” system. Were it not for the Constitution, America would already be a third world Communist hellhole, that’s why Libs leaders are doing everything in their power to abolish and diminish it and discredit or destroy the Supreme Court of the land that for over 200 years has so far, managed to keep it intact.

But take heart Libs, should you succeed in getting Commie Laharris installed as POTUS, she will continue the work of destruction begin in earnest by Bill Clinton and continued through your other beloved leaders like Barack Obama and TJ Biden. Count on it.



When I say that the Birchers won…. This is what I mean.


A dirt poor (D)ependapotamus will support taxing the rich because they’re an envious little failure in life.

A rich (D)ingbat will support taxing the rich because they already got theirs and to hell with anyone else.

Most are just plain stupid though.




Everything I don’t like is Communism is basically the core tenet of being a Bircher.

It was kind of crazy the 50’s and 60’s… even with the Red Scare… but since the 80’s calling literally everything Communism is just comical.

There aren’t any communists anymore.

The Capitalists won.

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They are not only envious but they want more and more handouts at the expense of others.

A redistribution of the wealth is what it amounts too.

The rich are already paying a huge percentage of Fed income taxes while those demanding more and more handouts pay little to nothing. :roll_eyes:


That’s the core principle of Marxism: making others work harder so they can get free ■■■■■ You won’t find many Marxists who actually perform manual labor or take strenuous classes in college. Social sciences, race studies, and the arts are what they typically pick.


By all means continue to allow people like me to keep more of my money than your avg poor or middle class family.

I find it amazing how willing someone who can barely afford Netflix is fervently fighting for me to keep more of my money at the expense of them losing more of theirs.

Once you get over a certain income and net worth hill… you start seeing what all these poor republicans have given you. It’s sad but hey, I keep more of mine… even if I don’t need it. :man_shrugging:t5:

This is why I am not terribly concerned if Trump wins… sure ideologically and ethically it would suck but I would be just wiping my lib tears with more hundreds :man_shrugging:t5:


The Birchers were right as far as that went: the left’s slide into various isms has came with an unhealthy dose of denial that they’ve changed at all. Everything looks like the far right to the because they don’t recognize how far left and how extreme they are … but the proof is in the pudding.


So what you’re basically sayng is that despite all the Libs who have been screeching about rich people paying their “fair share” you still aren’t… Is it because your leaders haven’t passed enough confiscation and redistribution laws or is it perhaps because you’ve learned how to do well in any economy?

I actually agree with some of what you’re saying here. Communism and Socialism have never existed except on paper. They sound wonderful to the poor uneducated masses (which is why our public education system isn’t about educating anymore), but the reality is every government fostered on the ideas of Communism and Socialism always turn out to be brutal dictatorships where the elites live like kings and everyone else is poor and oppressed. The same ideas that Commie Laharris and her little lap dog Tampon Timmy are pushing…


No I do not think so, mostly due to lower and middle class republicans. They don’t want me to pay more. I’m cool with it.

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Harris and the rest are literally saying the same things as Marx, and Lenin, and Castro, Mao etc., yet the Lib drones can’t seem to remember what they were being told just a month ago, let alone 4 years…

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Where are these societies? N Korea? Cuba? Venezuela? Any others? Are Dems clamoring to mimic those countries?

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Do you have some quotes form both sources?

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Because at the core of things… we are Capitalist.

And just like Capitalism, whenever there has been a Communist government, there is a group of elites who live off of the labor of those below them.

Also… on a side note… what is the big deal with tampons being available to those who need them? Why is it such a sticking point for some people?

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Wait a minute- Do you mean to say that you are fine keeping more of YOUR money even though you are morally against it? No wonder Libs carry so much self loathing and guilt. :thinking::thinking::thinking:




I can dig up some quotes, they aren’t hard to find. But the ideology is very easy to identify, if you look at history.

First, remove God from society. Men will fight and die for their God. A nation of strongly religious people can not be controlled.

Second, destroy the nuclear family. Men will fight and die for their family.

Third, destroy patriotism. Men will fight and die for their country.

Fourth, demonize wealth and land ownership. Men will fight and die for their wealth and land.

Fifth, get control of the schools and media so that truth won’t be taught to begin with and those that escaped or refused to be indoctrinated have a much harder time to learn what the government is doing.


As these things are being accomplished, get a hold of the minds of the people- especially the children, and begin teaching substituting ideas of equality and more importantly, EQUITY. Divide people into as many groups as possible so that they are more divided than united, stir up class warfare and convince people they are victims being oppressed. THEN get a few charismatic leaders ( or puppets) to get the population to focus on whatever they’re told to focus on… Your Lib leaders are great at controlling the mob mentality they’ve created.

This is the stuff that revolutions are made of. Even the French Revolution, except of course, they weren’t called Communists.


C’mon man… Seriously?? Boys need tampons??

But you’re right. SUCCESFUL countries and people only get so when Capitalism is applied. I’ve pointed out the Communist ideas Harris is pushing, backed up by her words and actions. What has she done to help people succeed with Capitalism?