Why Libs are dumbasses

Do you think the people of these dictatorships were clamoring for what they ended up with? Lying about motivation is a Hallmark of Communists and Socialists. Here’s a few questions: is Harris for or against a secure border? Is she for or against gun ownership? Let’s try these two first.

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East Germany, Bulgaria, Soviet Union, Hungary, China, Romania…I think the number of countries where socialism failed is now in the 30s. It goes against human nature so it always causes misery, yet the political left keeps supporting policies that inevitably lead to it. I guess they just have no long-term vision.


Critprogs are neo-Marxists.


No, it’s not due to that at all. It’s because Republicans recognize that if you are wealthy, it’s because somewhere along the course of your life, you learned how to be so. Becoming Wealthy is not just the acquisition of money. I’ve seen many testimonials of people who won the lottery and then ruined their lives because of how they handled their sudden wealth. Why does this happen? Because wealthy people have a wealth state of mind, and likewise poor people have a poor state of mind. A rich person can go broke, and get rich again and unless a poor person learns what the rich person has learned, they will never accumulate wealth.

You can not tax a society into prosperity for all. It just can’t be done.


Harris, and the majority of Americans are for a secure border with a system that is capable of processing folks that those that want to migrate to America. And with the ability to screen out those with criminal records.

Harris and the majority of Americans are for reasonable regulations on firearms, with the right to own a firearm, uninfringed.


Yes, it does go against human nature. This is what the average Lib doesn’t understand, but why they are so easy to manipulate.



They all want to come. That entire post makes no sense.

Two problems with the gas in that light:

  1. “Reasonable”
  2. “Own”

Bear, Bear, Bear Bear, Bear, Bear Bear, Bear, Bear

You’re already infringing.

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All I can do is vote. :man_shrugging:t5:

BTW I never said I was morally against keeping/making money.

Why do the same dumbasses believe that we can absorb the entire population of the third world, bring them here and put them all on public assistance? Because they’re dumbasses.


If not morally, then on what grounds?

China, Hungary and Soviet Union (now Russia) have failed?
They are dictatorships now…with the guise of democracy (they have elections!)

You seem to be mixing up socialism with totalitarianism.

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That’s fine but it’s not just about one’s ability to create wealthy. I can be wealthy and not get a 15% capital gains. I can be wealthy and not get special tax breaks by using a s corp as a pass through.

What poor republicans do is not just recognize wealth as “hard work” but they reward that above and beyond what they get via the tax code.

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Harris was put in charge of the border when Biden took office. What has she done to demonstrate her desire for a secure border?

I BELIEVE EVERYTHING SHE HAS DONE HAS DEMONSTRATED SHE IS FOR OPEN BORDERS. Millions of people streaming across our border in 4 years demonstrate my belief. What have you got?


What powers does a VP have to make any substantial changes?

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If you’re fine with it morally and otherwise, why are you making an issue of it? I’m fine with you earning your money and keeping as much as possible too. You seem to be contradicting yourself.

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That’s not what the law says. You have
been lied to.

Successful mostly for the elite Capitalists. They live off the labor of others just like the elite Communists.

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Harris and company won’t even define what an assault weapon is, yet they want to ban and confiscate them?? Does that seem reasonable and infringed to you?

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I still don’t understand why my Capital is taxed at a lower rate than my labor.


Well because wealth = hardwork so republicans just want to give you a…. Ummm… handout as a reward.