Why Libs are dumbasses

I know that one word is made up baby-talk and the other doesn’t mean what you think it means.


No it wasn’t!

My goodness, that’s an extremely dumb thing to say.

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The fact that Biden put her in charge implies an expectation that she has the ability to affect change.
Does your boss give you a responsibility knowing that there’s no possible way you can actually fulfill it? She never even went to the border where the problem is occurring. Instead, she went to central America to discover the “root causes” of the problem.

Part of the root problem is the fact that your Lib leaders are enticing the entire population of the world to come to America to get all the freebies we give out. That point aside- here’s a scenario: let’s say your house has a basement with a sump pit. One particularly stormy day you discover water is backing up in your basement. Your wife says to you: Honey, the sump pump is unplugged! Would you go outside and stare at the rain, declare that’s the root cause of the flood in your basement so you can’t do anything and let the flood continue? Of course you wouldn’t (would you?)! No, you’d first stem or stop the flood by plugging in the pump! THEN you might worry about doing something about the rain. But you can’t do anything about the rain just like COMMIE LA HARRIS can’t stop all the root causes of the flood of illegals into our country. But what she COULD DO is to tell her boss: HEY JOE- THE BORDER IS WIDE OPEN, HOW ABOUT WE SHUT THE DAMN THING DOWN!? Get the analogy?



I agree again, but elite Capitalists aren’t pushing for Socialism or Communism to be enacted on the rest of society because they understand if you impoverish society than no one will be able to buy what you are selling. Elite Capitalists don’t view the middle class as a threat to their wealth and power. Elite Socialists and Communists do.

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Do you not know what a portmanteu is? I’m being inclusive.

No? What does neo-Marxist mean? You prefer post modernist? They’re the same thing. The New Left? Marcusists?

:rofl: You don’t know?

When you made it. When you bought it. When they made and bougyt it.

Every time it changed hands.

They act like people who have actually fled communism don’t know what they’re talking about.

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From someone who has much experience saying dumb things.

Right. Because we can’t Google, copy and paste a textbook definition in the forum for you to be able to read it. And if we did so, only you Commie Libs would be able to understand it and correct our ignorance.


They REALLY need to do some research. But if course they don’t like that idea because they know most Americans would run from Socialism if they actually understood it.

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No, it does not.

Read the Constitution.

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I don’t understand why we should be increasing anyone’s taxes. What’s the point. The feds have determined that debt is not an issue. We will continue to rapidly increase debt new taxes or no new taxes. So why bother?

If you object to dividends then don’t buy stocks that pay them. Simple solution… You’re welcome!

Isn’t this in your OP?

But more to the point.

The state of the nation right now is a result of the most Capitalist system ever to exist.

Our entire system is built to benefit the richest among us to the detriment of the commoner.


You’re not suggesting America is better than other countries are you? You’ll get kicked out of the Lib club for that.

I just find it odd that there are those who will argue until they are blue in the face that the way the wealthiest make money should be taxed at a lower percentage than someone waking up every morning and punching a clock.

Thats all


If through my labor I make $100,000 and it’s taxed at 20 percent that leaves me with $80,000. If I put that 80,000 in the stock market and it makes $100,000 - that $100,000 hasn’t been taxed it was just created by after tax money and not taxed until it’s actually realized. I’d argue that 1st hundred thousand was harder to earn than the second.

People like @Guilds believe that we can import all the world’s poverty and problems by the millions and growing the welfare stare exponentially will be good for the country. Countries like Norway and Denmark have some of the strictest immigration policies in the world and as such do not grow the welfare state through immigration.