Why is everyone insane?

No doubt these crafts exist, but the admission of such will absolutely come with more disinformation than actual truth.

Coincidentally, these half truths are coming in as humanity stands on the cusp of colonizing the solar system. :wink:

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The UFOs don’t have an Instagram account.

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Why would you think it strange?

UAP is real.

WHAT is generating the UAP is up for debate.

As pointed out, there are many possibilities for what they are beyond being actual advanced aircraft.

I saw one paper just the other day…gotta see if I can find a link online…they may be either glitches (bugs) in our electronic warfare software (unlike the old days of radar when we got pure signal, today’s radar and other sensing systems go through a whole bunch of electronic/digital enhancement before signal is output to the observer)…or (which would be slightly more worrisome) deliberate electronic warfare against us by our rivals.

But to automatically assume they are advanced flying vehicles and whoever controls these vehicles controls us is absolutely an unwarranted leap in logic.

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Unreal. No, they aren’t artifacts or glitches, watch the Fravor interview. The US can’t be considered a sovereign when it has these obviously superior vehicles all over its airspace.

Because if they actually exist, they are running the show if they care too. Aliens running humanity for millennia doesn’t console me.

unless you mean the bus load after bus load and plane load after plane load of aliens that Biden administration is illegally bringing into the US on a daily basis, i doubt theres much to worry about

You don’t know this. Neither does Fravor.

You really need to stop panicking.

Come on dude…you started a post judging what other people are worried about…and then you’re worried about this?

Holy hell, man!

Hello, if I can demonstrate that you can’t touch me in your airspace, I own you. You do what I say or I can nuke every city you have.

Panic is warranted. We have UAP on multiple sensors to back Fravors story. Including sat data you previously thought didn’t exist.

It may or may not be advanced technology, but it’s not aliens.

Irrelevant, only thing that matters is if they are ours or not. If not, the US is functionally under their control. Whoever or whatever they are.

No panic is not necessary.

We have UAP.

We don’t know they are advanced aircraft of a nation or group of aliens that is controlling us.

We don’t even know what the odds of these being true are.

You are absolutely panicking needlessly.

Again, simple logic here. If they exist with the capabilities described by Fravor, they, whoever or whatever they are, are in control of the USA. If they make demands on our leadership, that leadership would have to be insane to not comply.

Oh and why this isn’t tin foil hat



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US government says otherwise. From the report.

Most of the UAP reported probably do represent physical objects given that a majority of UAP were registered across multiple sensors, to include radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers, and visual observation.

From the Report:

All things you would want to test your new technology against, especially when the pilots don’t even have live ammo for their training exercise. It’s helpful to know what systems can pick up what.

Sounds like China is getting close to having or they already have a prototype of their own. Probably another in a long list of stolen digital property.

They want to hire more scientists.

“They are ours, but soon others will have them too.”

The Government controls the UAP.

Doesn’t make sense. They wouldn’t A) parade that tech in front of credible witnesses and B) not tell military members to keep it classsified.