Why does this administration think more Foreign Dependency is the Answer

Because windmills are not subject to cyber attacks. Where does that electricity come from?

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If a wind farm in south carolina went down, Iā€™d still have electricity. Colonial caused fuel shortages as far away as central florida.

Because Minnesota is in the US.

You feel they canā€™t cyber attack electricity?

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The electric grid is a much bigger giant to take down. It comes from everywhere and goes everywhere with redundant capacity everywhere. Takes an act of god to go down.

Colonial was one company with a billing issue.

Sure about that? Seems like olā€™ Fancy Bear took the Ukraine grid down a few years ago, just to prove they could.


The Biden family probably owes Chinaā€¦BIGLY!


Yes, Iā€™m sure. Even that required more effort than ransomware in one companyā€™s accounting department.

Mmm. OK then.

Must be the new talking points. Iā€™ve never heard anything so ridiculous as that green energy theory. :roll_eyes:

Thereā€™s not nearly enough green energy to supply the country even without a cyber attack.

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Last time I checked mining operations in the US fall under the regulatory control of the State where the mine is located and the Federal regulator. And, of course, the EPA would also be involved. So are you saying that the federal government and the states are not enforcing US mining standards here in the US?

First you canā€™t actually come up with a reason why supporting foreign jobs is better than supporting US jobs. Now you want to act like our regulatory standards wonā€™t be enforced.

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As far as anything and everything (other than air and water) that man needs to live and maintain his standard of living must either be grown or mined. Most Libs seem to believe that minerals grow on trees.

anybody could grow them. dig a hole, add water and stuff grows.

Sweetheart deal? Have you got any concept of how many millions, often billions, of dollars that a mining company dumps into developing a new mineral deposit before they recoup even one dollar in revenue? And then once production begins, how many millions of dollars per year they spend operating the mine? Virtually all of that money goes into the US economy.

You act like you think these large foreign owned mining companies (All of the top ten mining companies in the world are foreign owned. Ever wonder why?) can just come here, grease a few palms, dig a big ugly hole, and then leave an environmental disaster in their wake. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Considering that your ilk fancies itself a champion of the environment, one would think you would understand the mineral rights leasing and the environmental permitting processes better. But as usual, you just shoot from the hip with no regard for the truth.

Pay wall.

Did you read the article, the lease was for an untapped region of Minnesota chock full of minerals.

Why let Chile have it?


No I didnā€™t read it. There is a pay wall.

All large mineral reserves are in untapped areas. Unlike trees, they cannot be grown.

From the article.

ā€œThe Boundary Waters, a vast landscape of protected lakes and forests along the border with Canada, provide habitat for thousands of species, including the gray wolf and Canada lynx. But mining companies have long expressed interest in the area, because beneath the surface lies an estimated four billion tons of copper and nickel ore.ā€

4,000,000,000 tons of copper and nickel ore.

Yeah letā€™s just give it to a Chile billionaire because he rented a house to the presidents daughter.

Biden did the right thing shutting it down.


Are you really this simple minded? The minerals would be sold on the world market. All of the operating costs would be spent in the US, supporting the US economy. The mining company would need a US registered and licensed subsidiary here. And the minerals would have to be transported from the mine to the end user Now we are talking rail, with associated costs, again spent in the US. And if the end user is a US facility, more economic activity in a US location will occur. The profit from all this that finally ends up in the bank account of the Chilean company is but a sliver of the total cash flow of the operation.