Why does this administration think more Foreign Dependency is the Answer

So why did they want it so bad they would rent a house to ivanaka?

They did it for altruistic purposes I am sure to help the United States?

Talk about simple minded.

Companies do things for one reason only.

Cash. Not altruism.


Okay, I understand now. Get some professional help for that TDS condition. First off, renting a house means a lease to the renter and a rent payment to the landlord (the mining company owner). Ivanka and Jared were writing a check, not receiving one. Iā€™m sure the owner hoped it would curry some good will, but letting someone rent a house is not a payoff.

Mining companies need access to mineral deposits in order to mine. That is their business. If done well they make a profit after expenses. They seek them out all over the world and negotiate for the rights to extract and market the minerals.

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Yes, I do.


They wouldnā€™t be giving it to anyone.

Itā€™s a shame that you pontificate so without having an inkling as to how mineral extraction leasing and/or how environmental permitting work. It really makes you look stupid even though I doubt that you actually are.

You are awfully naive if you think that would be sufficient to bribe the Federal government to get a mineral lease.

So you admit the Uranium One story was conservative stupidity?


And theyā€™re NIMBY hypocrites as wellā€¦See how easy that is?

:rofl: You didnā€™t knowā€¦

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Of course they are, but you don;t see people telling them how terrible they are or how wrong they are for it, do you?

Because thatā€™s different.

It takes a lot of strip mining to have a EV economy

No they just want ā€œdrill baby drillā€ ā€œmine baby mineā€ā€¦Just not near me or where I can see. America first, energy independenceā€¦yada yadaā€¦ but just do it over there.

Sure, whatever makes you feel better about it.

No. I admit that you are awfully naive that a mining company can get a lease that way.

Youā€™re sputtering. Good time to quit and move on. :wink:

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Heck, if I had oil on my land there would be wells all over the damn place if possible including my backyard if need be. All I would see was $$$$$$$.

Maybe plant a line of trees to enhance the view. I donā€™t have an elitist stick up my ass about ā€œmuh viewā€, I gots bills to pay.

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No, just not mined, drilled, or refined here utilizing US labor.

Short answer is yes.

Thatā€™s true, libs think minerals extracted over seas are as green as Ireland after a spring rain. :wink: