Why does the U.S get stuck with ALL of the blame for slavery?

What is the rest of the country’s culture? Is the culture here in Houston the same as DFW (hell, is FW culture the same as Dallas)? What about New Orleans? North Carolina? New York? Portland? Montana?

well why would Americans blame the British or French or Dutch for American slavery?

New York and Texas are very culturally different.

Maybe we get blamed because we still have state flags with the Confederate flag on them; we have people running around with Confederate flags hanging off their trucks: we have people protesting removal of statues of Confederate icons erected in the 1950’s; the KKK is still active; and we have white supremacists running for public office.

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  1. The US is one of the few modern countries where slavery was an integral part of our existence. Were it not for slavery, we’d be a member of the British Commonwealth.

  2. The discussion (in which the US is blamed) is taking place in the US, in the context of laws and practices relating to race relations. The US’s history re:slavery is key to the question of “what (if anything) should the US do”. Far more than Portugal’s role in the slave trade.

Why aren’t Texans assimilating into US culture?! Why is there distinct Texan Culture?!

  • Said no one ever, but that dang Black Culture


The slave trading ports of Africa were set up to sell slaves to Islamic nations long before Portugal started buying slaves to run plantations in Brazil. The vast majority of slaves that came to the new world go to south America and the Caribbean, not N. America.

And they never notice Christian abolitionists stopped it here, and the English imperialists shut down the ports in Africa.

Racism is everywhere, out of colllege I worked 8 months in a company in Tokyo. Overall everyone was super friendly to me, the first night I was there I left one of my bags on the subway, and when I got to the hotel I was telling the receptionist what had happened she called the police. Of course I was thinking it’s long gone, and she turned around and said it’s at the police station, my jaws dropped. In America it would have been long gone.

That being said I was never or could never have been a Japanese citizen, regardless if you somehow managed to get a permanent residence you will never be treated on equally with them.

All the foreigners hung out in a district called Roppongi at night. All of the other districts were not off limit but there was more than one occasion I was tossed out of a club or just not let in period because I was a foreigner, sometimes quiet rudely. The cab drivers sometimes asked me why do you want to go to Shinjuku, you belong in Roppongi.

Anyway I loved Tokyo and would not change a thing about it, I have np with Japan belonging to the Japanese overwhelming and as long as I can visit I hope it stays the same.

Europe is a mess, over migration the only reason in the past they could claim to be less racist is because they had much less of a minority population, all that changed under Frau Merkels open door policy in 2015 and the place is literally a powder keg imho a lot worse than back when there were talks of Grexit, At least 1/4 of the EU parties are fairly openly hostile to it, I don’t see how it survives, and then what is it replaced with? To me that is the scary question, just one recession away from very bad things happening.

Why would the decedent of slaves in America forces on America past with slavery…

that is a real brain stumpier.

?..Try again.

:rofl: sure they did.

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Why would American care more about the history of Slavery involving America.

such a tough question maybe its because they live in America.

Ok, that is way over the line. I know things get heated here sometimes but let’s try and maintain at least a modicum of civility.

Only uppity , rich, white guys drink scotch, we both know that.

But, they are not taught the real history. To the left their was no big disagreement about slavery during our founding that almost stopped it… They don’t make distinctions between the north and south before the civil war. They could care less how many American died freeing the slaves.

What is “Real History” History by its very nature is bias.

That America and Britain ended much of slavery. They were not the cause of it.

America wasn’t the cause of Slavery in America?

Its pretty funny when everybody here started pointing out that the OPs perspective is getting stuck with all the slavery is because he has never lived abroad. Totally true. Its like watching the Olympics and thinking the rest of the world is watching the same Olympics you are when they format it for your country. Nobody else is watching America. Little minds.

They weren’t even nations when it was invented…