Why did the Democrats consistently lie about the border?

It looks as though the libs here have pretty much gone silent regarding that nothing outside an act of Congress could do anything to deal with the phony asylum seeking at out border. By and large the argument from the Left is that everyone in the world has an unabridged right to come to the US to seek asylum and have their case heard! In their view that right trumps our sovereignty and security whether it be economic or social. And that is how the Harris/Biden Administration treated the border. This is just a snippet of how utterly pathetic the Harris/Biden Administration was regarding the border:

So, in as little over a month after Trump gets in border encounters precipitously drop to numbers that haven’t been seen in over a decade!


Just 8,000 in a month in comparison to Harris/Biden who averaged over 8,000 per day for significant portions of their time in office! Here’s a comparison of Biden vs Trump on this:

So why all the lies? Number 1 is that philosophically modern Libism absolutely believes in open borders:

Yes, we all know that they most Dems don’t like the term open borders, nonetheless it is absolutely become part of the philosophy of Progressivism, and all Democrats do believe in open borders to some degree or another. Their ardent support for the utterly atrocious border bill is clear proof of it. Number 2 reason is political:

The net effect of increases in both legal and illegal immigration in the 2020 Census shifted 17 House seats and 17 Electoral College votes, resulting in a net gain of 14 seats in Blue States — ten seats shifting from red states and four from battleground states. That Democratic net gain is greater than the respective electoral votes of all but ten states.

In part because districts with high percentages of noncitizens tend to vote Democrat, “of the 24 districts where one in five adults is not an American citizen, 20 were won by a Democrat in 2022. In contrast, the Democrat won in just five of the 54 districts where 98 percent of adults are citizens.”



That’s who they are, that’s what they do.


Open Borders will eventually lead to large numbers of new Democrat voters. In my opinion, that is the endgame DEMs are looking for.


They needed the extra voters in places where it’s illegal to ask for ID when voting, because it’s all falling apart for them. :wink:


I like it when Cruz pretends he is a tough guy.

What is there to talk about? Its great that the numbers crossing the border illegally are dropping. Hopefully we will put in place a system so true asylum seekers have an opportunity to make their case.

Illegal immigration will never be stopped 100% but yes the number are dropping dramatically and I dont have an issue with that. My posting history bears that out.

To me, 8000 in this time frame (rather than per-day) is still too many, unless, of course, most/many are turned back.

Still the difference is dramatic.


Force of habit in their cases.

Build the wall, and for all practical purposes, it will be stopped.

This is the one self-inflicted wound. I never will understand for the love of God. You could see the Trump victory coming two years ago because of illegal immigration you could see the cities and the tents starting to pop up on the side walks, even in New York and some of the bigger cities starting getting pissed off.

A good political team would’ve known that was political suicide but instead, they just ran on Trump bad.


You have about 400,000 people who enter the US via air travel who overstay their allotted time. Obviously still less than the 1.7 million “gotaways” that cross the border.

Like you intimated comparatively it will reduce down to an incredibly reduced number.

Even with a wall there will be those who stull manage to navigate it. Like today there are federal agents being paid to look the other way and that will continue.

No human endeavor can be free of corruption of malfeasance

They knew they were lying when they told us they needed new laws and regulations to control our border…just like they all knew Joe wasn’t home last 4 years.

But they kept on lying to our faces.


People who are desperate, non-white uneducated, don’t speak English, and come from abject poverty fit the mold of the ideal voter today’s Democrats pine for. The easiest votes to buy.

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These types of hearings indeed present opportunities for politicians to grand stand. Nonetheless, Cruz was 100% right about Mayorkas! The man was an utter scum bag and everything that happened at the border was 100% intentional.

Regarding asylum, the fact is that few if any of these people genuinely fit the true definition of what asylum was intended for.

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Wouldn’t it be better for changes to be I touted as law so they couldn’t easily be undone?

Honest question. What EOs have led to the decline in crossings?

asylum is being granted to asylees on a daily basis in the united states.


Where did they all go? Are you under the belief that the asylum conditions in nearly 200 countries just magically ended?

Regarding the only reasons that they should be granted was covered here:

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EVERYTHING Trump has done has led to this precipitous drop in the phony asylum seeking that was being literally encouraged and facilitated by the Harris/Biden Administration. Here’s an example of certain actions Trump has taken:


The Trump administration recently secured agreements with several Latin American nations to deport illegal immigrants. Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, and Venezuela have all enabled President Donald Trump to redirect migrants away from the southern border.

Heritage Foundation director Lora Ries said, “Trump’s no longer letting the U.S. be treated like a doormat.”

Ries said, “Many of these countries viewed the U.S. as a dumping ground as they let millions of migrants traverse their countries just to go to the U.S.”

Ries said, “The U.S. has leverage with other countries, and our last president didn’t use it and again, treated our country like a doormat, just let people in by the millions. The current president is choosing to use that leverage with respect to these other countries.”

Trump simply enforced the laws that were already on the books. It was that simple…just like I’ve told you for years…all while you promoted that we need new laws. That’s what was fed. That’s what you ate and swallowed. You then repeated that over and over here in Hannity Land. Now here’s a serious question going forward. Do you understand that you’re not necessarily hearing the truth from mainstream media? They push the narratives the DC establishment wants spread. Have your eyes opened to this truth?


awaiting an immigration judge.


In an executive order, Trump suspended the entry of all undocumented migrants to the US, and border patrol agents have been instructed to turn people away without granting them asylum hearings.

We shall see how all this works out. These folks are the ones that cons claimed were taking good jobs form Americans.

We shall see.

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