Why did it take Snopes 7 years to admit the fine-people hoax was really a hoax?

the masters told him

It’s because they aren’t actually “fact checking”…they’re covering the asses of the liars. The sheoplization of America has been a very important factor for the left.

When the truth is, the candidate running for POTUS in 2020 has dementia but a talk show host like Morning Joe…goes live telling the world how smart and together he is, it simply exposes the truth of what’s happening. The only question you need to ask is to the man in the mirror. Have you been sheoplized or are you actually thinking things through…connecting the dots of truth that get exposed along the way, that allows you to actually see what’s happening around you.

Snopes and most of the “fact checkers”…are nothing more than a sheople tool.


The only people at the White Nationalist Neo Nazi rally were White Nationalist Neo Nazis.

You continue to ignore the fact that Trump explicitly excluded Neo-Nazis from “fine people”.

By your logic, anyone who attended a George Floyd protest was, by definition, part of the violent BLM/antifa mobs who burned and looted buildings.

Trump stated that there were people who were protesting about the statues who were not part of the Neo-Nazis or Antifa groups. Even if you disagree with his assessment, he never called neo-Nazis (or Antifa for that matter) fine people.

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What it does show is his failure to simply call out Neo-Nazi White Supremacists who after the riot that ensued because of them a woman was murdered. He had to make it about the culture war. He couldn’t help himself. It shows the very brain rot that has infected him and others who just can’t simply denounce Neo- Nazi White Supremacists without having a knee jerk “Well whatabout”

There were no Non Neo-Nazi Non White Supremacist at a Neo- Nazi White Supremacist rally and we do not have to live under the illusion created by Trump’s ignorance that there were… there were not. There were no fine people at the Unite the Right rally. They were all weird little guys who for some reason or another have become broken losers.

Denouncing the idiots… fine and good… the “but whatabout” based on a fictional group of people who weren’t there and do not exist… not great.

No. What it shows is you eat from the sheople troughs and they fed you half truths that you have regurgibleated here in Hannity Land for years. The whole truth would negate their lies and yet…here you still are. Now say it like a good l’il sheople, “orange man baaa, baaa, baaad”. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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If you want to know the type of people who were at Unite the Right… start here.

She is a journalist who was there… she was with the White Supremacists covering them. It’s a good book.

Then follow up with the work of Molly Conger who is perhaps the only person who is consistently reporting on the trials of the neo-nazis who came to her city. She does the heavy lifting of actually sitting in on the trials and reporting on them long after everyone else has moved on.

If you want the truth of the people who were behind the Untie the Right rally… go there.

Anyone who is a “fine person” would not be caught dead anywhere near them.

There were people there that are bad people but there were also people there that didn’t want our historical statues torn down by idiots attempting to display their "V"irtuous feeeeeeeeeeeeelings and I agree with them.


Reading is fundamental:

‘I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.’ --President Trump

You continue to use delusions of mind-reading and clairvoyance to ignore what Trump actually said.

By your logic, every Democrat who kneeled to protest George Floyd’s death is effectively a member of the violent mobs that burned and looted cities. If anything, they went much further since they explicitly supported the BLM protests that frequently turned violent.

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No… they didn’t give a ■■■■ about the statue. They are Neo-Nazi White Supremacists.

The people at the Unite the Right Rally were Neo-Nazi White Supremacists because that is who put on the rally and that is who it was for. Literally everyone involved beforehand knew what the rally was. They didn’t hide what they were doing.

Earlier in this thread I linked to an independent analysis of what happened. It detailed the entire summer leading up to the Unite the Right rally.

Maybe look into that.

I know you have a hard time reading and comprehending but try again. It was answered.

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Trump was showing his ignorance. There were no fine people at the Neo Nazi White Supremacist rally and we don’t have to pretend that there were.

Just like we don’t have to pretend that Haitians were eating pets.

He is an ignorant buffoon who doesn’t care to know anything beyond what gets him attention and what his supporters will swallow and defend.

I don’t know how many times it has to be repeated.

The Unite the Rally wasn’t about the statue.

It was about gathering as many Neo-nazis and White Supremacists in one place to show that they were a formidable force.

Trump made up the part about the group of people being there who were simply interesting in saving a statue because then he could “but whatabout” … but the thing is that there was a murdered woman… and that Whatabout was very very stupid.

You hate Trump. I got that.

But is not an excuse for continuing to deny the obvious truth: Trump never called Neo-Nazis fine people.

Claims of whataboutism just means that you believe Democrats don’t need to follow the rules they impose on everyone else. They are above the law.

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He simply failed the easiest test put before any President in the modern era.

When a bunch of Neo-nazis come to a town and a woman is murdered… denounce them and then stop there.

There is no need to “Whatabout” it. There is no need to create a fictional group that was not there. There is no need to engage in culture ■■■■■■■■■

Denounce them… move on.

He failed at that.

It should mean something.

He denounced the Neo-Nazis repeatedly immediately after the Charlottesville protests:

I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally . . .

The following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people. Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you wanna call them.

Are you really unable to read the transcript in the Snopes link?

Are you delusional?

Or are you just having trouble believing that Democrat leaders and the mainstream media have been brazenly lying about what Trump actually said for the last seven years? That is actually quite understandable:

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You are obviously not understanding what I am saying.

It’s okay.

…cuz you simply swallowed what you were fed and keep regurgibleating what the shepherds tell you. There was only one group that filed a month ahead and were given a legal permit to protest. Others…like the Democrat group ANTIFa simply showed up, uninvited…to commit acts of violence. Then you have the Virginia authorities revoke the legal permit they issued and then push the two groups together to intentionally cause the mayhem they created. Now here you are years later, still ignorant of the whole truth.

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There is an old saying, “A lie gets halfway around the world in the time it takes the truth to put it’s pants on.”

Now you know what that means.

You guys are assuming that the Unite the Right rally was about a statue.

It was about bringing together as many White Supremacist Neo-Nazis in one place.

When that is understood then we can move forward.

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So you have a problem with the Virginia government for providing the permit? Was it legal? When that is understood, we can move forward.