Why did it take Snopes 7 years to admit the fine-people hoax was really a hoax?

Why would a non neo nazi show up and march with Neo nazis? I mean, would you?

Various media outlets reported the same.

Search for this FOX News headline, "Charlottesville and a ā€˜new generation of white supremacistsā€™.

Gives a long list of the White Supremacists groups that attended the event.

A small mention of some protestorsā€¦

so you all say, but Iā€™m not interested in your feelings or your made up reality

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Do you believe then John Kelly who said Trump often praised Hitler?

Do you all get the same script?


Did you read the FOX news article? That is where I got the info.


Snopes has spoken. Do not challenge Snopes. All hail Snopes.

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They all drink out of the same gutter. :wink:


No they were protesting with permits to be there. Problems didnt happen until antifas mangy ass showed up

Thatā€™s a urinal trough.


Japanese get my vote.

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the fox news article quoting somebody else who made it up. Not interested.

I posted his entire quote, we know exactly what he said and what he was talking about and the lies the leftist masters feed you have no effect.

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The tiki torch rally the night before where the Neo Nazis beat the crap out of people kind of got the counter protesters riled up.

Plusā€¦ the Neo-Nazis went there to start some ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  Itā€™s why they showed with shields and metal flagpoles.

There were no non-Neo Nazis White Supremacists at the Neo-Nazi Ehite Supremacist rally and we donā€™t have to pretend there were to make Trump correct in this.

A woman got murdered by a Nazi and Trump did a both sides culture war nonsense.

It was an incredibly stupid thing to do.

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Iā€™m not interested in your fever dreams

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The fever dream is that there were non Neo-Nazis White Supremacists at a Neo-Nazi White supremacist rally.

Just like Haitians eating the petsā€¦ we donā€™t have to pretend that Trumpā€™s absolute ignorance of any given subject means that it is valid.

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You seem to be confused. None of us are disputing Snopes.

How do you know?

I love this exchange. Itā€™s perfect.