Why did it take Snopes 7 years to admit the fine-people hoax was really a hoax?

If Trump said that there were one-legged jugglers at the protest, it would not change the fact that he explicitly condemned neo-Nazis and white nationalists and explicitly excluded them as “fine people”.

If Trump had said unicorns and faeries were there it would still not change that fact.

The concept is really not as hard as you want to make it.

He had to create a group of people that were not there to defend the culture war around the statue.

I think that he did this because the issue of the statue being removed became a rallying cry for Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists and instead of taking a step back and wondering why one is suddenly on the same side of a very very stupid cause as Nazis… he had to make up that there were people who were not Nazis to throw fuel on the culture war fire.

It allows for the culture divide to continue without having to ask oneself… why do I want the same thing that the Nazis want on this issue of whether or not a municipality can take down a statue that I will likely never see in person and does not affect my life one bit.

But everyone is racist, dontchaknow?


Well libs certainly aren’t shy about all the things you’re not allowed to do or say based on your skin color.

So, yeah I guess so! :rofl:


It did birth the narrative that everyone is a racist, so I’d add highly accomplished.


I especially love when they come up with bigoted things someone said, then repeat those things over and over again, knowing that person never said them. It’s like a free pass to say ■■■■■■ up ■■■■ .


Well you know how these lower rung libs just love making up reasons to type out the n word. They’re the only ones that ever do. :wink:


For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump’s characterization was wrong.

Failing a leftists “test” is succeeding at life!


Denouncing Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists without doing a “but whatabout” isn’t a leftist thing.

It’s an American thing.

Yes, the basis of the fine-people hoax is guilt by association, no matter how tenuous.

Tell it to your dementia addled fake POTUS.

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Which race should be supreme?

There is a way to protest the actions of the State of Israel without being anti-Semetic and those who cannot do that should be launched into the sun.


that would not be what he did. What he did was say there were fine people on both sides of the argument about the statue, and clarified he was not talking about white supremacists or neo nazi’s or antifah


That is the problem…that is not the case. That group was there for a white nationalist event.

A handful of protestors and Antifa were there, among them.

The only people at the White Nationalist Neo Nazi rally were White Nationalist Neo Nazis.

I think that you are kind of proving my point that Trump had to invent a group of people who were not there in order to comment on the culture side of it.

The only way you could know that for sure is if you were there and involved. So what side were you on the neo nazis or the cowards wearing black and black masks?


one-legged jugglers riding unicycles would be difficult…

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Worth quoting again.

There were not any non neo nazis marching during a neo nazi rally.
