Why Aren't Repulicans Standing Up to Dictator Trump?

While there may have been things Trump has done to make himself be perceived as a dictator, I don’t think this is one of them. Petty perhaps - but I don’t see a withdrawal of invitation as “dictatorial.”

True, but he’s acting like a spoiled whining brat, and not one Republican is willing to call him out. SHAME!

Well, there have been a few that have called him out of it. I can think of John McCain and Lindsey Graham right off hand.

But, there are plenty of others that seem to be comprising a “do-nothing” congress. But, that has been true of Congress for a few years now. It’s one of the things that started my journey out of the Republican party.

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Damn it…ya beat me.:disappointed_relieved:

In his statement, Trump is dictating what it means to be patriotic. Which is standing for the national anthem during a football game, hand on heart. Anything less is not patriotism.

Because they don’t stand up, which is why now we’re stuck with a guy who won’t sit down.

You see his twitter feed this morning? It’s pretty obvious his sensitive little fee fees were hurt about this, as he spent several tweets listing all the teams who did attend.

I’m now hoping all other teams from all other sports refuse to attend.

Damn……….that sounds like the instructions I received all through elementary school.

Wouldn’t that be great if our society stopped placing someone who can make a basket, hit a home run, make a touch down, sing a song or act in a movie on a pedestal that somehow qualifies them to be experts on so many other subjects of great importance? I agree. I hope they all refuse to go to the WH.

They weren’t invited to Trump’s residence - they were invited to the functional part of the White House. Which is not trumps - it is ours.

This is a bigger deal than just hurt feelings and football. It is the POTUS saying unless you express your patriotism in a manner I approve of, and unless you agree with me on a political issue, you can not have access to YOUR house - and the White House is in fact OUR house.

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Trump doesn’t get to dictate behavior to grown men just because he’s president.

I still don’t understand what makes Trunp worshiping so appealing.

Add “reality TV celebrity” to that list and I’ll agree with you.


the real reason the GOP wont complain?

its because the GOP and the trumpers dont gove a damn about the country anymore. Its all about staying in power and sticking it to the libs.

we see it here every day when trumpers say they approve an action because the libs hat eit.

this is why Trump is making these decisions. He knows that trump haters will sabotage an otherwise good event just to get back at him for defeating Hillary.

You think that’s the only reason why people don’t like Trump?

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But how many times has a president cancelled one of the world championship meetings?

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Do you really believe this? It has nothing to do with Trump defeating Hillary. Do you really think that the Philidelphia Eagles care one bit that Hillary lost? They don’t. It has nothing to do with Hillary. You guys on the Trump team are the ones who keep beating that dead horse. Stop it already. It probably has to do more with his racism and behaving like an ASS than anything else.


LOL…I see what you did there. Good one Wolf!!!

Dictator? Would care to explain how he is a Dictator.

Honestly I think Trump should just stop Inviting any Teams and what not to the White House.