Why Aren't Repulicans Standing Up to Dictator Trump?

Forgive me if I am wrong, but didn’t the United States of America become the United States of America as a protest to the way citizens were treated by the Crown. I mean hear people were over here in this new land, and they were still being taxed…Didn’t we dump a ■■■■ ton of tea in a Harbor somewhere in the New England area…what was that???Boston Harbor as a protest.

If you ask me…Protests are as American and patriotic as the BOSTON TEA PARTY. If you want to stand there and suck up to the President be my guest. I bet if the NFL teams were doing some kind of anti Muslim protest during the national anthem at football games, he would have no problem with that would he?


I don’t think Trump is a dictator, per say. He is, though, trying to establish what level of patriotism is acceptable and what is not. Which is kind of dictator-ish.

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Yeah…because if he keeps doing it, he’s going to look bad when he stands out there on the lawn and the Owner and maybe a ball boy show up.

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It’s kind of dickish too.


Dictator? You Dem’s have lost your damn minds Trump owns you. lol

I see through his bull ■■■■■ Do you?

actually you’re the one trump owns as is displayed by your constant slavish devotion to him…

What dictator type stuff are you crying about?

Isn’t it just a case of personal preference, on the part of any president, as to who they choose to entertain at the White House?

Are the Eagles anymore entitled to be received at a visit to the White House, then high school football team regional champs?

I turn on the tube and what do I see
A whole lotta people cryin’ “Don’t blame me”
They point their crooked little fingers at everybody else
Spend all their time feelin’ sorry for themselves
Victim of this, victim of that
Your momma’s too thin; your daddy’s too fat
Get over it
Get over it
All this whinin’ and cryin’ and pitchin’ a fit
Get over it, get over it

Ultimately yes, but our president is basing his personal preference on whether or not he thinks someone is being patriotic enough. If anyone should understand there aren’t limits or standards for someone’s patriotism, it should be our president.

Translation. Why aren’t Trump supporters abandoning Trump in favor of LW activists?

Hmmmmmmmmmm………………………… :thinking:

Actually, this has nothing to do with Trump. DEMs believe this is a winning issue for them, but outside of their radical base, most of America believes as Trump does on this issue. Many are voting with their feet by simply no longer watching football. I haven’t watched a game since this charade of fake patriotism began, and I don’t plan to return.

I don’t think anyone is insisting you have to support “LW activists”. Only that you grow a backbone.

I tend to agree that arguing with Trump supports, specifically on the NFL issue, is a waste of time. They simply do not care about facts or actual patriotism.

But isn’t that exactly what LIBs are insisting? If a Trump supporter doesn’t believe as radical LIBs do, they don’t have a backbone. You just implied as much with your response. :roll_eyes:

So Trump supporters don’t have the facts and aren’t real patriots, because they don’t subscribe to the left’s activism???

I’m a conservative and a republican…and I would certainly wish that republicans stand up to Trump. He is on the verge of being a dictator…if he were to be impeached…and he were to pardon himself…That is every step of the way dictator…He would be in fact, saying he were above the law, the constitution and our way of governance that has stood more than 240 years. The man is dangerous to our fabric of being as a nation.


Occam’s Razor: Because they’re mostly happy with how Trump’s acting in office.

He’s mostly functioned as an enabler of standard movement conservative dogma (regressive tax cuts, something something Obamacare, deregulation) and is good at manipulating the culture wars stuff, so what’s for them not to like?

No, that’s not what LIBs are insisting. There are quite a few conservative politicians you could support, yet you choose to toe the lie for Trump. It’s curious.