Why are Democrats erasing homosexuals?

That’s not an explanation. With the Brains complexity, and everything we know that can happen, from homosexuality to split personalities. It’s impossible for wires to be crossed and someone be born transgender?

I know what faith means. It still doesn’t get a pass on logic. If you have faith, thats fine, I have plenty of friends who do… but let’s not mince words, if you take most religions and explained them to someone who had no knowledge of religions and or the idea of god, it would sound bat ■■■■ crazy.

So you are claiming Tran sexuals are a mental disease like split personalities? I agree with that 100 percent.

Ok now you had your rant back on topic.

Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder.


That doesn’t make you another gender or the person with split personalities to be different people! It’s a mental disorder that needs to be treated not rewarded.

Most mental health professionals agree that the best treatment for gender dysphoria is transitioning.

Same can be said of quantum mechanics and general relativity and anyone that doesn’t understand physics.

If you say FULLY FULLY transitioning, I said from the start I’m ok with that. Not fully transitioning isn’t a mental statement. It’s not knowing if your a woman or a man. Either commit to it, or don’t commit to it. Others should not suffer because your a nut case.

Sure. But those are based in science.

Nope, underlying untestable assumptions have been made in both fields. Starting with the assumption all of this is physically real.

Why fully? Do you believe the only difference between a man and a woman is what’s between their legs? Are male and female brains and personalities identical?

Yes, but there parts that are based in underlying testable things.

Same is true of religion. Is love real and testable? Yes.

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Because If the prescription for suffering for a mental disorder is transitioning you commit to it fully! My great grandfather had dissociative disorder, and trust me you didn’t want him taking half his prescription you wanted him taking it all, half isn’t enough to help him or the people around him. Either fully commit to the change or don’t! If you know you are a woman fully commit to it, if you have a Johnson, I’d say you aren’t fully committed to what the cure would be.

What do you mean by people not fully committing?

Not from god.

Going from pre op to post op!

Who are you to tell them which surgeries they need to have? Transgender people should only do the surgeries the are comfortable with.

If something were to happen to woman’s body, but they were able to keep her brain alive and connect it to a computer so she can communicate… would she still be a woman?