Who wants to raise taxes on the super wealthy to pay for healthcare—Liz warren

One of the most bizarre things I can think of is that people are naive enough to believe the ultra wealthy are altruistic or give a damn about “basic comforts” for its citizenry.

Nancy Pelosi, a career politician, has amassed a good fortune and living as a public servant. Where is her outreach to the homeless in San Francisco?

Is she taking them in? Sponsoring any? Or is she living behind gated walls with armed protection?


I would be 100% for taxing Pelosi’s wealth accumulation also.

As a general rule, income tax revenues vary between 18-22% of GDP, and while everyone likes to pretend that someday federal expenses will be cut to eliminate “waste”, let’s agree not to kid ourselves.

I have a hard time squaring a 10% across the board rate. with a 20% revenue target.

And I notice that in Snow’s math, someone earning Minimum Wage would be earning $10K annually (there’s an 80% dedication to reduce taxable wages to $2000 and then 10% of that is $200. Given that a full time job = roughly 2000 hrs/ per year, Snow appears to have lowered the minimum wage to $5.00 to achieve a $200 tax burden.

It does not seem like this proposal is ready for the real world.


If everyone had some skin in the game, they might just be more invested in more positive outcomes.

If everyone were invested and demanded ROI and accountability, we might just be able to solve a hell of a lot of problems.

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Except that the congress critters (D an R) are for the most part not on board with that.

IMO, they need to be subject to and held to not just the same but higher standards than you and I are held to.

If the tax code is written so that the “wealthy” can exploit? Look no further than how it benefits our politicians and those who ride on their coattails.

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You could tax the rich at 100% rates and still never pay for her universal healthcare plan.

Of course you don’t object to profligate rates when they only apply to others, that’s the “Democratic Way”.


That’s exactly how insurance works, going back to when it was invented in Lloyd’s coffee house.

Insurance is a method for risk mitigation, not for wealth accumulation. A lot of people pay in and a few benefit directly, although to benefit they have to experience misfortune. Everyone else benefits because they have purchased the peace of mind that they will be covered if something unsought and unwanted were to occur.

Insurance is supposed to compensate you for losses, not for normal wear, tear, and maintenance on your body.

Which is one of the reasons why it is a horrible way to pay for health care.


Prevent maintenance is a much better solution

Pelosi amassed a good fortune through her husband

When you are my age, a good deal of the medical issues you face are normal wear and tear… joints not designed for people who live seven or eight decades for instance.

But more significantly, insurance is not compensation, it is a way of mitigating financial risk… and while you are focused on people who abuse themselves a great deal of illness and accident is visited on people at random and through no fault of their own. If you do not know that from experience then you should consider yourself lucky.

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Oh please. Just as crackhead Hunter Biden amassed a good fortune on his wealth of knowledge, skills and impeccable resume.

This is not an R or a D issue. Take a step back, take a deep breath and… THINK…


While the income tax rates have been modified so that the lowest tier of earners pay nothing, or even get a bump, those same people pay Social Security and Medicare taxes, the pay Unemployment Insurance taxes, they pay Property taxes either directly or in their rent; they pay the same fees for vehicle registration etc. that everyone else does.

Is there an explanation of why those forms of taxation do not amount to skin in the game?

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Exactly. The facts surrounding how she amassed her wealth is not a D or R issue. If you took a step back and got rid of the partisan blinders you would see that the vast majority of her wealth comes from her husband’s real estate ventures

It’s not more bizarre than feeling someone else should pay your bills.

“The country” is not wealthy. Perhaps that is your mistake.

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Asked and answered in you own post.

Why is “their share” more than your share?


Their might be. Do a search on it.

How is that any of your business? My Lord but you people covet.