Who should Tucker hire to do a daily J6 video reveal?

You underestimate how little the Republican base cares about “sensitivity,” at this point.

If the footage would reveal the most classified secrets we have - and also could theoretically be used against the libz, it would have been on every cable news show 2 years ago.

The Executive is bound by rules, when it comes to FOIA. Congress is not. They can release whatever they want.

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There isn’t anything sensitive in any of the videos.

They are public by default.

Should be more concerned with the border.

Maybe there are good homeless tent sites to protect.

Neither of these things are true.

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It’s a public building.

Paid for by taxpayers.

The Capitol is not a “public building.”

So is Area 51.

Where in the world did you go to school? The capital like any other government building is a public building. It is owned and paid for by the citizens.


Is Area 51 a “public building?”

How about Langley? Or Ft. Meade?

True. That doesn’t mean citizens can come and go as they please.

They most certainly are. The government owns nothing. The citizens own it all. Even national parks are owned and maintained by the citizens of the United States. Your tax dollars pay for all government property. State, local and federal. The government owns nothing.

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So absurd.

Apples and oranges.

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The work is sunshine public with a modicum of privacy and security.

All video must be public ESPECIALLY The exterior video where there is no privacy.

Speaker Mike!


On Friday, Johnson made around 90 hours of January 6 footage security footage available via a committee website. There, he said the remaining 44,000 hours of video, taken from surveillance and police body cameras, would be posted over the coming months, fulfilling a vow he made while running for speaker.


It isn’t misinformation when it is deep state misinfromation.


The State decides.

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In my Paul Harvey voice…

And now the rest of the story.

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All right, so a new arrest made from the release of this new vid, I’d expect more to follow.

The guy being released and getting a fist bump was surprisingly not a Fed, he was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and some other stuff. He pushed a barricade into a line of officers and broke someone wrist then later shoved a cop into a wall.


Found him.


So. Mike announced on November 17 that the GOP would publicly release all 44,000 hours of internal security tapes from Jan. 6 on Capitol Hill.

That first day, 8+ hours of tapes were posted. More than two weeks later, it’s still the same 8+ hours of security tapes.

C’mon, release more footage. There need to be more arrests :joy:

He’s taking the time to blur the faces of the people rioting, so that they don’t get brought in on charges.

We had a thread on it, but it was locked.