Who should Tucker hire to do a daily J6 video reveal?

What do you think?

Well, the obvious answer would be that you’re saying his lawsuit will fail, to which I’d respond that’s what you guys said about Dominion.

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What do you think?

I think he’s made a reasonably strong prima facie case.


I don’t.

Yeah, I know. That’s what you said about Dominion, as well.

Did I?

Dominion didn’t win. FOX blinked and paid them off.

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Meanwhile the video remains out of public eye.

That isn’t ethical.

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Yeah 3/4 of a billion dollars :joy:

The texts weren’t really texts. They were just words that were taken out of context and placed in a sequence to make Fox News look bad.


All those survival food, gold coin, and my pillow ads fill up the cash tender.

Everyone can say they won, especially the lawyers.

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And the people who were lied to intentionally can say they lost.

Dang it the joke went over my head. Had to reread it :blush:

It’s funny how tucker decided there really wasn’t anything there he wanted to show his viewers :joy:

Johnson is making good, posting 95% of the J6 videos publicly as I type this.

So we have lots of “Here’s some video of Ted Bundy of not murdering, guess he’s innocent” moments to look forward to.

I bet the Uniparty will edit out Pelosi managing the whole deal in that missing 5%.

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I look forward to the patriots on the internet identifying more of the rioters based on this new footage.

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I just noticed they’re going to blur the faces out. Bait and switch! Hoe are we gonna ID all the Anteefers and FBI ?!

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somebody’ll FOIA the unredacted footage

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They won’t get it.

All of the footage would fall into at least two or three statutory exemptions to FOIA.

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We’ll see. If it can freely be given to a tv “news” personality, it can’t be that sensitive.