Who is buying Hunter's prints?

when you purchase them yourself? not much.

Sure they were, just not by the U.S. Treasury.



They were rather quiet about it.

I do welcome this newfound concern that they have and I hope that it will be applied equally.

I won’t be holding my breathe though.


The Chinese government granted 18 copyrights to Ivanka is just a couple of months.

They were fast tracked and represented more than half of all copyrights granted by China during that time.

So, sure nothing to see here.

What exactly do you think a copyright does and how do you monetize it?

IIRC, they were Trademarks not copywrites.

Carry on.


You are correct.

Do I really need to explain trademarks to you?

Sure. Go ahead.

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For those who have found the concern for appearance of impropriety… I am sure that you will all join me in denouncing this.

While as President, Trump got preferential treatment from a foreign bank to help prop up his failing hotel.

Trump failed to disclose this deal while he served in office.

I dunno, did Don Jr. ever produce any art?

Dunno,did Don Jr. get drummed out of the military Navy for drugs?

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Here’s a Cy Twombly at Sotheby’s that’s in the 1.2-1.8M Euro range:

Here’s one that sold for over $70M:

Twombly 2

There’s no accounting for what people will buy, or for how much.

Or for what access.


Exactly there is no accounting for tastes. Piero Manzoni would be a case in point.

Of course not, he never made any attempt to serve his country. But if he did, he probably would have failed the first whizz quiz.

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:rofl: I would have bet money.

You think that’s what he did?

Do you honestly believe that his artwork is genuinely special? I noted this in another post that my wife is very familiar with the professional art world as she has attempted to sell some things of her own stuff and has known a number of others who have as well and has known people whom have attempted to become full-time artists. It’s EXTREMELY difficult and no one would even remotely get a deal like Hunter is getting. It’s amazing how naive some of you people are.

Would I pay $10,000 per night for a hotel room? No I wouldn’t; but others do. How much is a house or sports memorabilia worth? It comes down to what it can be sold for. Why would anyone pay millions of pounds for Banksy’s partially shredded piece of art.