Who is buying Hunter's prints?

It is clear that news has been manipulated and censored to swing elections.

The effect was most clear in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election where the deep state enforced total silence from the corporate media about what should have been a block-buster story. The fact that a Biden business associate had a press conference that was virtually ignored just days after the story broke shows how overwhelming state control of the media has become. The deep state successfully intimidated the corporate media into total silence.

Now that we are farther from an election, it looks like the deep state has backed off on the most blatant censorship. I checked CNN and they are covering the Biden art-sales-for-access story, but it is buried on their website. I doubt the story makes on their TV shows. Of course if a Trump relative had a similar conflicts of interests, CNN would be running the story non-stop.

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If a Trump offspring was doing this the fake news media’s heads would be exploding in out rage and demanding Trump resign immediately.


No one believed the soggy laptop story.

Guiliani overplayed his hand.

Here…allow this to sum up this thread.


No, that’s really dumb.

Where is your sense of humor lib?

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It exists past memes.

Don’t forget Russia as well. Buy a painting for a few hundred thousand dollars get a favor. This is what true Capitalism looks like in the mind of a prog.


The contents of the laptop have been confirmed from multiple sources. The former intelligence officials claiming that the laptop was Russian disinformation were pushing the debunked conspiracy theory.

The mainstream media has been reluctantly admitting the truth over the last several months. I do not expect them to spend much time on Hunter’s art scam operation.

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Who knows, but is it really even any good:

“Is Hunter Biden’s art any good? - CNNPolitics” Is Hunter Biden's art any good? - CNNPolitics

I don’t recall such vociferous and strident opposition to relatives of Trump’s working in his administration being articulated on this forum by supporters of the Trump administration. It does seem a marked contrast to that being expressed now by some concerning Hunter Biden’s pieces of art.

It is interesting the mention of CNN in the post. There have been several posts about CNN’s and Fox News’s ratings.

How much is a piece of art worth is very much subjective. It is worth what a person/entity is willing to pay for it. For example, Jackson Pollock’s Blue Poles was purchased in 1973 for $A1.3 million. A purchase price that was highly controversial at the time. There are estimates that it is worth upwards of $200-300 million now.

MBS had DaVinci’s Salvatore Mundi ($450 million) hanging on the wall of his yacht

If we can’t eat the rich, can we al least eat the oligarchs and royalty? :smirk:

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They weren’t getting paid.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How much access do 18 Chinese trademarks get you?


We had four years of speculation on things like were the Trumps benefitting because maybe someone who stayed at one of their hotels might have worked for some foreign government or not. For a month or so there was outrage about an airbase being used in Britain that was close enough to a Trump property that military people might stay there…until it was revealed the agreement for the base was signed under Obama.
Let’s not act like something like this would have been ignored.

