Who comes after Trump?

Remember all those freaks that lied to the American people about Trump colluding with the Russians?

He was fighting a war on two fronts. Not to mention the impact of 9/11.

It’s almost like it never happened.

Math comes after Trump.

And then aftermath.

Actually they’re more like the less extreme Left leftists (including those who still feel the need to hide it) and the openly extreme Left lefties.


Do you have a link to any Congressman saying that they are “retiring in disgust”?

Didn’t Yang pay voters to gain political advantage over his political opponents. I thought Dems have been assuring us that’s unethical and illegal. Just like offering free education and free health care to gain political advantage must be bribery.

In '16 we had video of people bragging about personal knowledge of collusion between the candidate, DNC and PACs, among other things, and it was glossed over by the Left.

It will come back to you when Durham’s done with his criminal investigations.

You mean like Matt Bevin. :joy:


This thread reminds me of just how blind some are to what’s actually going on around them. I for one…am glad the political norm was upended and some…have awakened.

Who comes after Trump? I don’t know I haven’t started looking that far ahead (5 years) yet.

Well, it would be mighty funny if, when the Revelation of John predicted seven trumps before the very end, that was a double entendre. How would the Dems handle a seven Trump dynasty of eight years each?

Not well. They would probably try to start a civil war.

No he hasn’t. Those 63-64 million or so people who voted for him. They built the new face of conservatism. Good luck ever having REAL conservatism again.

It is now…

Yes, I remember Attorney General Barr lying about it. So unfortunate.

Will Alex be old enough to run at the end of Trump’s next term? Seems like she’ll be a year short.

Is that what those sickos who pushed the Mueller hoax are saying?:rofl:

October 13, 1989

She will have just turned 35 by November 2024. Never say never.