Who are the best TWO US presidents of your lifetime?

How soon they forget.

Obama and Reagan.

You just said Clintonā€™s marital affairs are no biggie. Which way do you want it?

Once again we forget Vietnam.

Nothing inherently wrong with betting put under oath.

In my lifetime? I consider Poppa Bush to be the only decent one. As Tommy said earlier he handled the Soviet collapse better than anyone else could have.

We also forget how carter created the situations in Iran and Afghanistan.

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Yes. But Iā€™m pretty sure President Regan put things in motion toward that end.

Reagan - ends cold war
Nixon - Opens China

ā€¦ Weā€™ll see how Trump works out.

LBJ divided the country and weā€™ve been that way ever since.

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Three only thing I liked about LBJ was his lake.

I donā€™t have my decoder ring today, what did you mean?

It certainly did, which is why I wrote solely on social issues.

I didnt forget at all - which is why I wrote solely on social issues.

But, I understand - reading comprehension is difficult for you folks.

Iā€™d say 1) Obama because of the adversity he had to deal with and 2) Kennedy for how he stood up to the Russians, something our current jokester doesnā€™t seem to know how to do.

Power mad? He was just stupid. Should have fired anyone connected to the DNC burglary.

But LBJ was instrumental in getting the Civil Rights Bill passed. Canā€™t forget that.

Sure. Whatā€™s a few tens of thousands of dead American servicemen in the face of that.

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My sentiments as well

For some reason LBJā€™s welfare took the father out of many homesā€¦ ā€¦

  1. Reagan
  2. Trump


  1. Carter
  2. Obama
  3. LBJ

Excelling all others. LOL

comn give a shot.

all presidents the same. I dont think so.

