Who are the best TWO US presidents of your lifetime?

Reagan didn’t stand up to the Soviets?

No one forgets Viet Nam except every elected Republic of serving age manage to get out of it. Johnson didn’t start the war. His performance regarding that issue was sub par in the same way Obama was with Afghanistan and Guantanamo. Only a fool would go to war over the Afghanistan invasion just a few years after the end of Viet Nam, America had no appetite to get into yet another conflict. Chickenhawk Republicans beat their chest and swear that it is something we should have . Carter wasn’t so stupid. What national interest did we have there? That invasion helped cripple the Soviet Union. Reagan pumping them with weapons is what created the Afghanistan of today. Now all of you sit there quietly forgetting about Afghanistan today. It is America’s longest and most expensive conflict and we have NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT.


Yes but there are many dems for me (Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama to chose from) on the side (eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, 41, 43 and Trump)


Nixon orchestrated that break-in. It wasn’t just some guys doing this on their own. He didn’t want to take any chance that he might lose the election. He one in a landslide and also got a lot of minority votes.

That’s an opinion not a fact. As for LBJ he didn’t start it but certainly accelerated it to heights equal to the Alps.

We went from what? 30,000 combat troops to 650,000?

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The smallest?

The tallest?

The wonkiest?

The …

No… I don’t know what it means. I will unashamedly stick with my earlier statement.

Whatever best means to you.

Nobody is grading the choices here…


Ketchup as a vegetable.


Clinton, Reagan followed by Obama.

  1. Eisenhower
  2. Nixon - pre-Watergate.

Obama proved to be the one that was most effective and positive. Clinton got a lot done but Im not sure how great it turned out. Id like to say Carter but most of what I like about him is what he has done after the Presidency. Nixon got a lot done and was very positive but he just blew it. JFK handled some pressing issues and really did a turn for NASA. Reagan stood up against Russia and the tearing down of the wall. Bush 2 was a ■■■■ show and Bush 1 just worked for the Saudis. Ford Pardoned Nixon and I sold his kid Steve Coke

Im gonna say Obama and Obama

I could choose Obama/ Eisenhower but I wasnt born for Dwight

Best is such a loose term -

I was born under Nixon, but don’t remember anything.
Ford - He pardoned Nixon, which shot him in the foot for a real first term and potentially dealing with Iran and economy.
Carter - I remember the recession. He tried to broker peace in Middle East (didn’t turn out well), but it was a moment. Legalized homebrewing (winner right there).
Reagan - I think he actually did a good job in the beginning calm America with everything that had gone on (recession, inflation, hostages, Cold War anxiety). But, he raised the debt, raised taxes, sold arms for hostages (which is a big no-no).
Bush Sr - Had a good foreign policy, was stuck with the fall out of Reaganomics. His “Read my lips” comment did him in.
Clinton - After Newt came into power, realized that he had to move center to get compromises, called Newt’s bluff on gov’t shutdown, balanced budget, was impeached for lying under oath.
Bush Jr - 9/11 shaped his presidency. His invasion of Iraq was a massive blunder. Had to deal with housing crash and impending recession.
Obama - Did his best to pull US out of recession. Had a very difficult time passing legislation as Republicans wanted to block everything he did. Obamacare. Brought focus of racial divide into forefront.
Trump - Which led to this turd. Now racists are coming out in droves, talks to a political commentator for advice, says a bunch of crap that his zombie followers cheer for.

Based on this list, I’d have to say Bush Sr. was probably the best. Clinton second.

Bush Sr

WHAT!!?? Russia was in ruins and all he/we did is send potatoes! Bush gave us Putin.

I was around for Ike and i would not choose Ike.

How can you choose Trump? He is not finished. You dont know whats going to happen or how it will end. It just exposes you for your illogical irrational emotional thinking.

As much as Trump is working for Putin, Bush Sr was working for the Saudi’s.

Speaking of Trump working for Putin (not to go off topic here too much), but as he railed on Germany and the pipeline to/from Russia, I turned to my wife and said “It sounds like he’s pissed that he was not offered a piece of that pie from Russia.”

Not all that 60k is on Johnson, a good chunk belongs to Nixon.