White supremacists and racist terrorists pose greatest risk of violence, FBI warns


The fact that we have to wait for a private, physical copy of the Nashville manifesto to be released is interesting.

White supremacist terrorists put their manifestos online and spread their ideology as much as possible to inspire copycats, sometimes even streaming their killings to a live audience.

It’s a no brainer for law enforcement to focus on the repeating pattern.

Not long ago, it was being stated by the media that Asians were being attacked by white supremacists but as these attacks were being recorded, the culprits were black males.

The last thing I want are attacks on anyone but before I blame an entity, I want to know more. I searched this after you posted it and can’t find much information regarding it.


The POTUS says so…and it’s beyond disgusting. Agreed?

More than a century before MAGA Republicans, there were the Red Shirts, White Leagues, and Ku Klux Klan terrorizing and massacring Black people and their allies across the postwar South. For them, the Civil War never ended; it simply moved to new fronts.

It’s the largest reason and other causes are mostly a ripple effect from this.

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What’s being singled out here is the two-tier system at work here…flaming the fires of white supremacy while being hush, hush regarding the recent mass shootings by trans people.


Then open both eyes my friend…

This white supremacist thing is getting out of control;

Video from Wednesday night shows men, at least two of whom were armed with machine guns, opening fire on innocents in gun-controlled Chicago.

Responding officers found four gunshot victims on the ground, one of which was a deceased 14-year-old boy named Pierre Johnson. The other wounded individuals were 19, 19, and 21-years old.

…oh, wait.

Now…have you heard about this on your news source? Imagine if this really was done by white supremacists…do you think you’d have heard about it then?

The flames don’t need to be fanned, that’s the thing. White supremacy is one of the most reliable precursors to terrorism.

It takes willful naivety to point at transgender people while white supremacist chatter is ablaze with threats to critical infrastructure.


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I got over 500 pieces of evidence showing where all the (D)omestic Terrorism really comes from. And that’s just one summer.

Don’t worry, the rest of us don’t live in Liarsberg. :wink:


About 90 percent of the time when they mention violence or murders on the news i look up to see a black suspect on the tube.

The elephant in the room that the left refuses to acknowledge.

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Is it really terrorism if it was justified?

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I find it really interesting how nobody was actually surprised, even after filling the other substation terrorism threads with nonsense about antifa and rouge environmentalists.

The naivety is all just performative, which is fun for online forums. But when the actual job is stopping terrorism–resources and public bulletins are going to point towards the swastikas.

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What does white supremacy gain by attack substations?

Ahhhhhhhhh…so this is your best evidence of white supremacy…and this is after your remark? Thanks for proving my point. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Terrorism is a tactic, not an ideology.

Black supremacists use it. White supremacists use it. Communist revolutionaries use it. As do Anti-Facists.

Basically any extreme movement is willing to use terror tactics if it helps achieve their immediate goals.


It’s actually a strategy, but close enough. :wink:

It’s a strategy from a position of weakness.


Yepp. When you have limited resources but have a goal in mind, terrorism is the way to go. Cause outsized damage with the minimum of resource input.