The concept of white privilege has been used in the past few years to justify all types of policies, plans and harden the political divisions in this country.
Joe Biden’s recent questioning of “blackness” is, I believe, an example of “democratics privilege” along with Clinton’s “No ways tarred” and the CPT reference in the skit, among others.
Privilege exists, including white privilege. It is not about me as an individual and whether or not “I didn’t build that” (collective privilege). It’s not about race.
It is about the benefit of the doubt. A weighting.
The place it really stands out to me is the American Injustice System. Does the court lend more weight to a cop’s word than mine simply because he has a badge and a costume? Blue privilege.
In this case, charges were filed against a person defending their home from lethal assault.
I believe the charge was automatic because he defended himself from agents of the state. Blue privilege. Now that things are known, charges dropped. Why were they filed before they were known in the first place. Blue privilege.
A wealthy man’s word carries more weight than a poor man’s.
In the context of sexual assault - Woman Privilege. Unless - Democrat Privilege.
If it’s my word against yours. I am white in a suit with my own representation. Does my word get more weight than you in your saggy pants and public defender?
We all like to pretend we make decisions objectively, based on logic formulated from carefully analyzes data with unimpeachable integrity.
We don’t. Confirmation bias is very, very real and more powerful than we care to admit. As is context.
The question was asked in another thread, “Is my history of America the same as yours.” No, it is not.
There are no relevant facts, only context.
So there is no reason to be insulted by the term “privilege”. It exists. The question is, is this particular case because because I am white (unlikely)? Or is it because of culture (much more likely)
If it is my word, in a suit and tie, weighted more than yours in sagging pants and a public defender?
What if you, black man in a suit. I a white thug in sagging pants. Who gets the weight?