White Privilege? Nah...can't be

This is America.

Why have so many of you so easily succumbed to the notion that one must show one’s papers when asked by authority figures?

Once he said it was his store…it’s over.

Time for cops to leave.

Actually…cop should have used some common sense.

How many robbers do you know turn all the lights of the store on that they are robbing?


My thoughts exactly. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You’re a good compliant sheeple.

Authority figure tells you what to do in your own home…you obey.


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It should have been easy.

I refute the white guy was the verification angle.

Ownership comes with responsibility and documentation.

Non-story IMO.


Yes…Why was the white store owner there at 1 AM?

And why didn’t the cops go to his store to find out?

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Show your papers!

Good comrade!

Now you are just being silly.


Yup. Tiburon is a lovely little town on the bay. Average income is 99,000 a year. Hardly an inner city slum.

And? I wouldn’t have found it odd if a neighbor had popped out and said yeah, he lives there, that they would take their word. Not many burglars go to the trouble of breaking into two house so they can alibi each other.

Ownership comes with documentation?


I show up at 1 am to start three hours of bake (last job) or at 3 am to begin disassembling gondolas (this one) I don’t have to prove I own the keys to my store, or the tools I’m carrying to the job site.

You show em who’s boss.

I like the fight and spirit.


No actually I am not.

This is actually one of the reasons we have the issues with cops that we have.

Because of this insidious idea that they are authority figures that must be obeyed at all times.

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Pfft, oh no, took me thirty seconds to produce an ID. They were trying to protect my property, that is them working for me, not telling me what to do.


Insidious…Like having a certificate of authenticity.

The cold dead hands crowd is exactly the same as the docile servile bootlicker crowd. Awesome.


I expect higher standards from police than you do then.

I do not need to prove I own my property.

This is America after all.

Once I say I live here or I own this store, that’s the end of it as far as I am concerned.

Again with the incident shown here…three people in a brightly lit store at 1 AM.

Common sense tells me this is not a robbery in progress…it is not typical for robbers to turn on the lights in a store they are robbing.

Sure if you want to sell me something and expect me to pay for it

I don’t have to prove I own something to the police, however.

Do you get mad when a cop asks to see your car registration too? lol.

In that particular case, I have already “committed a crime”, so to speak, and the regulations surrounding that encounter with the police are somewhat different.

However, the few times I have been pulled over, I have asked the officer to first spell out what they believe I have done wrong before I show them anything. I am polite but firm on this matter.

In at least two cases they accused me of doing something I did not do and it was easy for me to prove it…in both cases the encounter with the officer ended without me showing them my identification.

Your problem is you believe the officer gets to control the conversation and the narrative.

Why should this be?

If you believe in property rights, why would you mind the police enforcing them? If cops get a report of someone breaking into my home, I want them to come, even if it’s me doing the breaking and entering because shocker, they have no way of knowing its the owner until they ask and it is proven. The question is, why should anyone make that confrontational? They are there for the sole reason of protecting your property, the proper response is to be cooperative and thank them.