White Privilege? Nah...can't be

Sure I want them to come.

As soon as I tell them I live there and there’s no problem…that is the end of it.


I live there…I don’t need to prove it to them.

I am cooperative.

Cooperative does not include being totally submissive to anything they would like to ask me.

Sure it might only take me 30 seconds to prove I live there.

The point is…I don’t have to prove I live there.

Oh and being belligerent to the police isn’t a crime btw.

Sure the store owner in this video was kind of a jerk.

But guess what?

Being a jerk isn’t a crime.

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I’ve been approached by police at 11pm after closing the store for matching the description of some random excuse while waiting for the store manager to finish setting the alarm.

I answered his questions until she came out and verified what I had already told him. I guess all white people look the same when they’re sitting down smoking a cigarette. :man_shrugging:

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If the cop just takes your word for it, he isn’t protecting your property. Or did you think burglars were incapable of saying “I live here”?

When I was younger I was a real Star Trek nerd…not only the shows and movies, but I would read up the books that came out like clockwork from Pocket Books.

There was one book there about an up and coming officer who became Kirk’s protege.

Part of the plot required her to command a small vessel, but when she took command, she found out Spock had automatically set the navigation controls to go to a certain planet, and it couldn’t be overridden.

She made the crew spend hours figuring out how to override or bypass Spock’s programming before finally figuring out how to do it with the computer’s help.

When she had free rein over navigations, what did she do?

Ordered the ship to go to the planet Spock’s programming had been taking them to all along.

But it was on her order.

True conservatism in a nutshell courtesy of Star Trek.

You’re all welcome for the lesson.

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I expect more of police officers. I expect them to be perceptive and also to understand most crooks are actually kind of dumb, and if the cops show up, they are going to run away.

Of course I also expect police officers to know the neighborhoods they patrol.

I’m sorry you don’t expect more out of police officers.

Wait, now the cops have to memorize what, five or ten thousand peoples faces and where they live. Sure, that’s reasonable.

When cops are active in their community, you’d be amazed at how many people they can remember.

I live in a town of 30,000…cops know almost all of us.

Again, there are perceptual cues a good cop will pick up that should clue him into the fact that I’m not a crook that’s lying.

I expect police to pick up on them.


A tiny bit off topic, but this is a big issue especially in predominate black and latino communities. Know the neighborhood and establish a relationship with the people.

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Who called the police?

Is that what the police are there for?

In the situation in the OP?

No one.

Got it, so mind readers who can memorize the faces of 30k people and where they live. Anything else?


The problem is our expectations. Our understanding of the function of policing.

Which was developed in no small part by their budget justification propaganda.

“Protect and serve…”

Store owner brought it upon himself. Says so right in the article. Police saw something out of place, and asked the guy multiple times if he was the owner and the owner refused to answer. the store owner is an idiot.

The community meeting comes after the city released body cam video showing the back and forth between both sides. In it, you can hear officers questioning Khalif multiple times: “Do one of you own the store?”

Khalif didn’t answer the question, saying what people didn’t see in the body cam video are the officers who had circled the business multiple times beforehand and had been watching them.

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Stop believing that being cooperative means you have to let the police dominate the conversation.

Stop believing the burden of proof is on you.

If you did nothing wrong, you are under no obligation to prove otherwise.

Hilarious. Why would I be confrontational when a public servant is trying to do the job we pay them to do. It costs me nothing to be polite and cooperative and I am happy to do so. And I would further argue anyone and everyone has a moral obligation to do likewise. Someone observed probable cause my home was being broken into, they came to my door, knocked, told me they had a report someone broke in and could I show I lived there. What earthly reason is there for me to be angry or uncooperative?

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Nauseating as it might be for all of us, I don’t disagree.

But the debate over who gets restrained, and how, before we’ll even think about slashing bloated cop budgets is surely problematic.

You’re right, however in addition, in most jurisdictions, you are “required” to cooperate with reasonable requests from authorities. Asking for ID in this instance was reasonable.

You have to change the law before you can change who is detained.

Based on what?