White House press releaed november 2014

Sigh.none of this is true…

There were plenty of witnesses who testified exactly this.

Those that could have provided even more clarity?

They were blocked from testifying…by someone who of course is just TOTALLY innocent because that’s what someone who’s totally innocent would do.

But even without them we know…because the only two things Trump was interested in re: Ukraine (by his own admission) was the totally debunked CrowdStrike nonsense and Biden/Shokin/Burisma.

You saying the Wash Times published fake news?


I keep affirming that Biden sunk the entire impeachment narrative by having the obvious COI with Hunter.

It gave Trump justification to ask about it.

The political rival stuff is a distraction and secondary to the root issue.


That’s not all Zelensky said yesterday.

He was totally pissed at Trump blocking the aid.

There were plenty of opinions…a couple witnesses…and no corroboration of any ethical misconduct.

You are painting your own narrative.

Lot’s of people like to paint, it helps relieve stress.


Everyone knew about what Biden did…because it was in concert with the EU and the IMF.

Thanks for once again admitting you did not follow these events in 2015-16 as they happened but are simply accepting Trump’s recent spin on these events.

Biden’s “big reveal” was nothing of the sort…it was only big to those who don’t pay attention.

He is more upset at the constant portrayal of Ukraine as corrupt.

It’s all there in the link.


This does nothing to challenge my assertion. Zelensky is in a position where he can’t admit to such. It would be incredibly damaging to his relationship with Trump which is crucial for the security of his country.

Funny Biden doesn’t lead with this at his campaign events since he is so up front and proud of his ability to influence who is prosecutor by withholding funds…as JUST as it may be…


You obviously did not read nor see the interview.

It was all about a man betrayed and used as a pawn by the leaders of great powers.

He can’t say anything too horrible about Trump because he knows he needs him. But he’s pissed at him nonetheless.

I’m sure he understands our politics as well as we do…the Rs in the Senate have decided things like judges on the courts are more important than anything Trump does and so won’t convict no matter what

What you think is irrelevant.
Yes the times posted fake news.

Trump is promoting Russian propaganda and something from manafort.

Clearly debating with trumps base is a waste of time. Your goal is to just piss people off.

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You have it all wrong.

This would gain the favor of Pelosi and she could have the House apportion much more funding.

He doesn’t need the orange man any more than Schiff or Nadler…Pelosi will show everyone who is boss.


He’s going to get money from Congress regardless.

Trump is going to continue to do what Trump does and he knows it.

You keep responding and so shall I as time permits.

I am fond of low unemployment and following immigration laws.



Which means there is no reason to cover for Trump.

The entire impeachment has been another fail for the architects that brought it forth.


Youbwant to sabotage the election and nothing more.
Trump wants to cheat to win in 2020…and as usual you see the base accepting whatever they can to win…even help openly from russia

This completely ignores the fact that Trump can control any future foreign policy and/or aid going to the country. Trump could easily take a pro-Putin position in terms of further incursion into Ukraine. As always, conservatives are so ■■■■■■■ short-sighted.

Trump doesn’t need to do anything unethical to win.

The voters are not so readily manipulated as Trump proved in 2016.


Except we now have a solid track record showing Trump to be tougher on Putin than the last administration was.

I guess he could magically do a 180…


And head explodes…

Everything else is a violation of the tos…so I’m out…

Nobody is this ignorant unless they are doing it as an act