White house official mocks dying McCain

I agree. I had not heard that a private apology was made. That seems good enough to me. It wouldn’t hurt if the administration said the comment was out of line to reinforce that.

At this point, let it die.

Why would he apologize for a fake scandal designed to assassinate his upstanding character.

Who do you think is a better person. Trump or Obama?

So what? Its true. And its not like he isn’t going around stating who could and can’t come to his funeral. And its not like the statement was made publically. It was something said behind closed doors. Its the media who’s publicizing it, so blame them

Trump Trump Trump. And who loves American more and doesn’t want to fundamentally transform it? Trump Trump Trump

Nah. It is because he is a troll who is goading you into continuing to respond to his trollish behavior. Personal advice is to stop feeding him and eventually he may recede back under the bridge in which he resides.

I’m the no spin zone.

From your very comment in this thread. But this is fun…learning how deep the denial of a trumpanzee is.

I understand, Libs. You will defend Obama’s vile and disgusting laughter in any way you can. When presented with a actual video of it… you deny it even exists.

You didn’t disappoint. I just wanted to highlight your fake outrage over Kelly sadler’s comment.

We’ve already disproved your link. You’re essentially talking to yourself and others who enjoy putting forth false links from propaganda websites. Which I know is easier than engaging with people who know what they’re talking about. But whatever floats your boat.

You think Trump loves America more than Obama? Wow.

[quote=“SaysWho, post:624, topic:696, full:true”]

You think Trump loves America more than Obama? Wow.
[/quote]Most, most definitely. Obama wanted to change America, Trump wants to restore it.

Change it how, in your opinion?

Restore it to what exactly?

i actually think ^ this post is on to something.

Who leaked nonesene again?
And even if its true, its a crime to mock McCain?


then why is that an issue?
McCain is still in public office and exposed on that way to all that stuff, mockery inclusively
Normaly, somebody in his health condition had retired already for long time. But since he is still there, himself is to blame, not those who mock him. He is one of the heads of the “resistence” within GOP (I call them traitors), since he blocked with his vote the repealing&replacing of Obamacare, he wanted to sign “the gang of 8 bill” and is doing nearly everything against the MAGA agenda, which was elected by the American people. Now he is playing the victim using his illness if somebody is mocking him now and then. Thats simply hypocritical and usually only liberals do that filthy game

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to fundamentally transform it. His words.

if there is anything fundamental about the United states of America… what is it? What is most fundamental?

Our constitution.

you figure it out

You and Alex Jones affirm that Obama murdered Scalia. Explain how it’s the laughter part that is disgusting? Seems like the outrage should be focused more on the murder part.

strawmen allow you to argue against yourselves… clearly inferior debate opponents compared with many of us on the right.

I never said any such thing. But I do understand why you have resorted to a strawman.

So you won’t apologize for calling Obama a murderer, yet you expect an apology from libs? How strange you people are.