White House: 2019 deficit double that of 2018

Well over half the wealth in the world is owned by less than 1% of individuals…and Zantax thinks the battle is between a poor person in America and a poor person in Africa…and that’s where the “hard choices” need to be made.

Says a lot about how the campaign has gone.

Wealth gets ever more concentrated at the top.

To keep this going, the slightly less poor people are told the very poor people are their enemy.

And so they fight over scraps while the wealth concentration goes on.

The GAO report cites projections by the CBO that “increased costs in Medicare, Social Security, and net interest will account for more than two-thirds of the approximately $3 trillion increase in total federal spending over the next 10 years.”

His ways are not our ways. For example, He even struck dead Uzzah at Nakon.

All you need to do is follow his commandments.

Thou shall forsake the corpulent for the divine has declared his kingdom is not for fatties

I hope not.

Pretty sure they support Democrat presidents.

Sharp rises in the deficit from now until 2025 and beyond have been predicted for decades.

Here’s the prediction from 2015

Don’t ever change. Don’t ever stop telling people who you are.

Yes, they won’t give it away will they…lol!

Libs were outraged when Trump hit Bezos.

That’s nice.

And irrelevant to the point I was making.

I don’t play your dualistic game, so if you think you’re “stinging me” by pointing these things out…you’re not.

Touchback. I have the ball at the 20.

Yes- and here in 2018 we’re already at the level we were supposed to be at by 2021-22.

So I’m thinking we need more tax cuts to stimulate the economy.

You certainly are not willing to cut the programs that are the biggest causes of the deficit, so what other choice is there besides more GDP.

That game was over long time ago. We already had the after game party. Wondered where you were. Rumors on the radio about some guy in his underwear waiting at the 20 yard line… must be true. Good lord man… have some decency.

Bill Gate and Warren Buffett won’t give any money away?

Are you serious?

Ooh…another turnover.

BTW…speaking of decency?

Your Wiki is open.

Giving to other rich guys foundations is odd…

Not really

Niether the D’s nor the R’s are serious about budet cuts. Fact we have to live with.

That’s why I propose a balanced budget amendment (fat chance of that either).

What should be done immediatly is:

  1. Cancel any orphaned earmark. If it’s not from a restricted account, it goes back into the general fund. All orphaned earmaks from the transportation fund are set aside for maintenence on interstates only and are exempt from Davis-bacon wage laws by the states.
  2. Every agency and every department shall submit a budget that is 1% less than the previous year’s budget (not increase by inflation then decrease by 1%, but actual 1% decress from previous year.
  3. Starting September 1, veto EVERY piece of legislation that isn’t budget. Veto any CR that comes across. Veto everything that isn’t an actual budget starting October 1 (new budget year).
  4. If congress adjourns anydtime after September 1 without passing an actual budget, president calls them back into session under under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution. The president shall keep congress in session with no recess until an actual budget is passed.
    5)Congress should repeal the davis bacon wage act immediatly. Any contract not awarded by the states (or federal government) shall be re-bid without davis bacon wage requirments.
  5. Congress shall appoint a BRAC type commission that will go through each agency and each department to find the number of employee’s each needs to accomplish ONLY what the law spells out (not internally passed regulations). Any above that number will be eliminated. Commission will also look at utilization of government buildings and consolidate were possible and auction off any surplus buildings to the highest bidder.

That would be a start