Which one of Trumps children would likely run for president in the future?

Don’t be ridiculous. He has been a US Senator and Vice President.

I know. A bunch of non threats without dad.

Prove that false claim

And that’s the point of my thread which you nailed; name recognition goes a long way. I remember I was a big Ron Paul fan in college that’s what got me into politics,

And even though he didn’t win he had a following and if everyone was honest the only reason his son was able to win the Senate was because of he was the son. Nobody would’ve known who Rand Paul was without Ron Paul.

I’m not saying I want one of the Trumps, just saying they start with a huge advantage and that’s a big thing. Now whether or not they can improve on that advantage is a whole different story. They could be the worst debaters ever.

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If that were the case, I wouldn’t let them live in my head. :man_shrugging:

I dont

Oh…great then. This should be ezpz for a smart guy like you. What’s he accomplished besides making his family corruptly rich?



Hope this helps.

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I agree with this.

Trump has been critical of both Don Jr. and Eric in the past. And I wonder what if the NY AG and the Manhattan AG go after Trump Inc… Will daddy throw his son’s under the bus instead of taking the heat himself? I would say yes.

And she also married a dumb brick.

Still beat Trump :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I watched the documentary “Totally Under Control” which I recommend but it is exhausting… Kushner is one of those guys who failed upward his entire life. It just shows how much wealth can insulate someone from their obvious failings

Neither has shown any reason for supporting them at the current time, so I would make no selection.

They voted against a crude boor who disrespected the military, pandered to the racist elements in the US and pushed political jingoism over medicine in the face of a worldwide pandemic.

They didn’t particularly vote for Biden or his policies.

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Dumb didn’t stop 70M voters marking the ballot for Trump.

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We should make him take the Woman, Man Person, Camera, TV test. Would that reassure you? It’s very challenging.

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they’re all either going to jail or gonna have massive legal problems.

pretty much perfect Republicans candidates.

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And thus Biden has no mandate for any of his policies.


And Obamacare is going to bite him from the left. Right after Bernie dropped out, Biden seemed to be saying that Medicare For All was a good idea. And right before the election, he was back to Save Obamacare.

Its going to be interesting to compare Biden to LBJ. Better than Trump/Goldwater, but he is going to get it from the left.