Which one of Trumps children would likely run for president in the future?

As I have said all along, he is one hell of a con man.
And now some of them are giving him their cash.

The same way how Obama has been living rent free in Trump’s mind for the past…what…8 to 10 years :man_shrugging:t5:


Crazy, but consistent with history. Trump wasn’t the first halfwit to con millions, he won’t be the last.

(but libz!)

here’s the Trump family…

What statement is he referencing?

Yes, the same way, but with hate, hate, hate. lol

Sorry, but the link to @realDonaldTrump didn’t show where Trump was inciting violence against American citizens on the streets. The only recent violence of that kind was by antifa and BLM where Trump supporters were trying to have a peaceful march in Washington…but I don’t think Trump would have incited that.

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None of them, inshallah.

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Me too.

That’s on you my friend. You can gloat but if this guy goes in, you now become part owner of the future he impacts.

If? He is swearing in on the 20th of January.

I become part owner, as do ALL Americans. Just like I was part owner during Trump.

This is the great thing about America. We vote for the person we think best represents our views for a better America. And if they fail, we vote for someone else.

BTW, I’m not gloating. I chuckle at folks who claim Biden is senile, yet more Americans thought he was a better option than Trump. Does say much about Trump, does it?

I acknowledge who I vote for. I am already seeing some Trump supporters denying that they supported him. History is not going to look fondly on Trump.

Are ya? How nice…but know…I’m not one of them. I don’t appreciate Trump’s many disrespectul comments but he directly addressed issues that needed to be addressed for decades and did so…head on. Previous administrations just lied to get elected and then did nothing. Trump will go down in history as a great POTUS…and mark my words on that.

Also they voted for a man with a history of racist comments****. Back to their roots.****

p.s. Amusing that they(libs) still waste their time responding to my posts. :rofl:

I only saw this one because you quoted his post.

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We are about to find out how inaccurate this will be.

Biden will be ready to go!!

Ah, got all of us libs on ignore.
Helllooooo echo chamber!!!


I’m surprise the Eric Trump is doing this bad I thought he would have a few votes.

I didn’t have Lara Trump on the list but there you have it, to those who think the name will just go away anytime soon. If Kennedy’s, Bush’s and Clinton’s last name say anything is that they are powerful and hold weight.

Ivanka will have some skid marks besides Jared by then.