Where is the Republican Congress? It's their responsibility to counter dangerous Presidential rhetoric

I don’t understand, you call out Libs all the time. Name a single person that is a Lib, so I can understand better.

My position was clear here. I believe marriage is between a man and woman.

But I never advocate goverment to take sides.

Remember these words? Goverment must remain neutral at all times?

No exceptions.

Seems like someone has followed the river of no return.

Is there a politician who is a Lib?

It’s ok to have antiquated views. I agree with the second part because it prevents those antiquated views to have an effect on the lives of others.

Whether ones views is outdated is individual opinion.

It’s pretty confusing, because I haven’t seen you address anyone as “liberal”, it’s always lib. Now, I’m certainly a nonviolent person, as I’m sure most of my fellow liberals here are, but I’m betting you’d call me “lib”.

If you advocate goverment to impose your views onto the people you’re a lib/authoritarian.

There are only few liberals here.

We are liberals! It’s Conan and his friends who are Libs.

See his definition:

“If you advocate goverment to impose your views onto the people you’re a lib/authoritarian.” - Conan the Lib


Can I use you as example of a liberal?

Because I haven’t ever seen you advocating goverment to take up let alone enforce your views.

So, pro-lifers then are libs/authoritarians?

Oh look…ankle biter is still nipping at my heels.

I’ll get another Admin message for this.

It illustrates it very clearly.

Sure looks like it

Again my position has been clear here.

I believe the idea of abortion is extremely sick, that is my view.

But the question is do you want to turn over ultimate control over ones body to the goverment?

That is equally as sick IMO.

So you agree that pro-lifers trying to get Roe vs Wade overturned are libs/authoritarians?


#MAGAbomber :us:

No, I don’t want the government having control over women’s bodies. Do you want to see the legality of abortion overturned?

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It would seem he would have to.

If you’re advocating goverment to have final say over ones body…yes you’re authoritarian.

I believe education is best way to limit abortion…and that free people get to decide.

I know…what a concept that is.

Try it sometimes.