Where is the Republican Congress? It's their responsibility to counter dangerous Presidential rhetoric

Can I use you as example of a liberal?

Because I haven’t ever seen you advocating goverment to take up let alone enforce your views.

So, pro-lifers then are libs/authoritarians?

Oh look…ankle biter is still nipping at my heels.

I’ll get another Admin message for this.

It illustrates it very clearly.

Sure looks like it

Again my position has been clear here.

I believe the idea of abortion is extremely sick, that is my view.

But the question is do you want to turn over ultimate control over ones body to the goverment?

That is equally as sick IMO.

So you agree that pro-lifers trying to get Roe vs Wade overturned are libs/authoritarians?


#MAGAbomber :us:

No, I don’t want the government having control over women’s bodies. Do you want to see the legality of abortion overturned?

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It would seem he would have to.

If you’re advocating goverment to have final say over ones body…yes you’re authoritarian.

I believe education is best way to limit abortion…and that free people get to decide.

I know…what a concept that is.

Try it sometimes.

Sure you do, LIB. LOL.

That’s fine. Libs have a great heritage, going back to the framers of our constitution. Riiiiiiight? LOL.

Politicians are nothing if not survivalists. They aren’t going to do anything to jeopardize their careers, and that includes criticizing a sitting president whose base will punish them for it. There is no moral or ethical responsibility that can overcome that.

Why else is it that the GOP congressmen most critical of Donald are the ones who aren’t seeking re-election?

(disclaimer for the whataboutists - yes, the Democrats are no different in this respect)

And they only find the courage to speak out against Trump (with an exception or two) after they decide not to run again. Even then, they aren’t consistent or overly courageous in their criticism.

Era of Trump.

Yes they were liberals, classical ones with all the contradictions that would require reform to fix or the entire project would have crumbled.

The Senate may be laying low after what happened in 1983. They have a reason to be hesitant talking about bombs.

You might want to study on that a bit.

Its not dangerous rhetoric, its only dangerous to the liberal faction in this country! The President attacks the MSM who deserve it for their unfair and biased reporting and constant attacks on him, his Administration and his supporters, Trump is standing up for Americans even those that didn’t vote for him & those that hate him, his policies benefit us all and the country needs a Rambo type leader and warrior to battle against the vicious leftist attacks on the country.

As far jabs & name calling at Congressional members from either party well that’s just the slimy world of the political swamp. Dem Senators and Representatives call President Trump and his supporters every name in the book from deplorables to Hitler!

When liberals STOP the hatred then the country will have a chance to unite, but I’m not holding my breath because liberals and leftist Democrats don’t want unity they want division & chaos to achieve and keep their power!