Where does black privilege matter?

Wrong again…it’s about elitists versus non elites. Not everything is black and white.

Until you able to see that we have nothing to discuss.

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You hit them with facts. They don’t like facts. It goes against what Tucker Carlson and Jessie Waters tells them to think.


Well if you believe white privilege exists is it not racist to believe that black privilege does not exist?

As a matter of fact if one is to believe that white privilege exists shouldn’t one also believe that the same privilege exists across all racial boundaries?

It is sad that the democrats are doing just that. Maybe they should try to help all people instead of just special groups.


Wealth has a lot to do with it. So much so that you brought it up in your first post to me in this thread. Money speaks


I’m sorry but did you step into the right thread? It’s about race

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Uhhh what?



Republicans help special groups too….


There platform gave them their wealth…as long as they sing the right tune.

We have nothing to talk about.

This is why I cannot vote Democratic unless they change their ways of constant division. We have every race and gender in the world over here and instead of trying to tackle inflation, high energy prices, wide open border, crime.

Nope - Just the same old ■■■■

Will be talking about gender and race when the whole bloody thing crashes down.

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Right platform then wealth then activism with a powerful voice.

He can chew gum and walk at the same time

No wait he can’t

But seriously he commented on it. This is probably not the reason you have an issue with dems

You know it’s wild when they think that black people have it better in this country than white people :rofl:


It’s wild when that is not being said. In fact as a native I can tell everyone that no one has it better in this country or worse in this country because of the skin color they have. I am tired of people using the color of people skin for political gain.
If you are having problems don’t whine and make excuses because of your skin color. Look in the mirror and see that person look back at you. That person is causing all your problems.


Are you attempting to tell me that there are not black businesses that give black people preferential treatment in hiring?

For sure.

But that isn’t national hegemony. It’s local hegemony.

That’s location dependent. I would say a white person in a 90% black community has it worse in many situations in their interactions. But that isn’t national or even hegemonic. Well white men do. White women usually get a lot slack.


So my original comment stands.

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Maybe some small businesses… but is that a “black privilege”? For example black barbershops may prefer black barbers… but is that a privilege? If so, why?

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