Where does black privilege matter?

But all my points are correct. Right?

Points? Plural? A list of jobs?

Not thinking it at all. It’s self-evident. The black population is about 13 percent. Yet at my high paying pharma company it’s over 40 percent. Maybe close to half. Yet you insist that it’s a disadvantage to be black here? Care to explain?

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Yes exactly. In those areas, and many more, being black is certainly not a disadvantage. Agreed?

Which company… if you don’t mind. I’d like to see their DEI report.

I’m not sure if there is a disadvantage. Are the 40% in leadership? Or retail?

Black privilege is when you’re one of coastal wealthy elites but yet can still scream racism at every corner. Joy Reid, Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey comes to mind.

Anymore questions?


Well, do you believe that “white privilege” exist?

That’s one manifestation sure. You are missing a bit though. What you are describing mostly is wealth privelge . Though black privilege is applicable to some extent

That’s one point. Are jobs the only form of privelege?

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Of course it does.

So does black privilege

What’s your take on what white or black privilege are?

Yes and it has little do with how much money one has.

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You can’t be wealthy and understand/experience racism?

Were Whoopi and Oprah… specifically…always wealthy? You think it’s far fetched that black women who lived through Jim Crow have a different perspective on racism?

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Are they not influential? Not just wealth. They have the ability to destroy individual people as they see fit.


Just looked at Eli Lilly’s DEI report (I just picked the top pharma company by revenue)

They are about 10% black.

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Right and that destroy is in part wealth and in part black

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Sorry…not playing your game of hypocrisy.

Due to their platform, yes. With this criteria (wealthy costal elite with a platform)… you must also think white privilege exists?

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Wealth has nothing to do with that…they have a media platform. wealth just comes with it.

What the what?


Another thread on how white, Christian, Republican males are victims of American culture/policies. Has there ever been a group that has been treated so unfairly?