When It Is All Better

They can’t…and won’t.


What they will allow us to have is the real question. :wink:


I’m asking questions that can’t be answered?

Nope equality.

That’s what I want.

Equity is a prog idea.

Equality a liberal one.

I am a liberal.


Equality of what?

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Equality’s the ideal.


Equality of what?

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Utopian ideals sound good when an “intellectual” writes it down on their notepad by their desk.

Once it’s said out loud, it will be quickly picked apart. And if put into practice, will result equally shared misery like it always does.

Which is why all revolutionary intellectuals end up as political recluses and exiled, kicked out of their own revolutions and watching their naive worldview destroyed by the power of men who use it for true power.


They can be answered…but that would require honesty.


Are you?

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I just want to do some financial and cultural planning.

Are we not equal men? I as an American of color and you as a white American? In what ways are we not equal on the social and political scales?

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Your property will be seized to install windmills.


I’ll wait.

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What about culture (race). Where will I see racism disappear?

Utopians cannot quantify the math behind their ideals. They just spout platitudes.

Even Marx wasn’t a utopian. He was pretty open that true communism was going to destroy entire classes of people.

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Isn’t destroying classes sort of the point?


I am a member of the proletariat, not the petit bourgeoisie, although I was the latter previously.

What will I be next?

Yes. But utopians believe that class distinctions can be destroyed without blood shed.

That is where Marx was honest. He knew that to destroy class distinctions would involve destroying those of those classes.

After all, how can a revolution succeed without destroying the counter revolution that always occurs? What’s good for some is bad for others. The opposing force will never go quietly.

We will be exploited for our labor. But instead of the bourgeois doing the exploitation, it will be the vanguard of the people who claimed to fight for us.

Every system creates those who have power and those who have little.

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