When It Is All Better

I don’t think so. Even Marcuse (father of the New Left) said that they don’t know what will be uncovered, just that it will be “better”. It’s faith.

I disagree. For some in top echelons it’s all about accumulating power and wealth through whatever means…even if they have to subrogate the people to make em easier to control. This is what we are witnessing today IMO.

I think for them they know exactly what they’re doing.

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There’s no doubt it is about power - hegemonic power to be precise.

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The vision is succeeding via merits as opposed to other factors.

That can always be improved and worked on.

I know you will claim this will get twisted into equal outcomes and that’s the true goal.

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You haven’t had many responses because the premise is flawed. There is no end game of some mythical utopia. It is looking at where we are today and making things better for everyone.

Are you?

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The system is tilted to those with the connections, and money…and they have done a brilliant job of ensuring laws continue to benefit them. Both sides are guilty of this over the last 30+ years.

Since 2016 or so…many of the progressives are trying to re-establish democracy…while many of the conservatives are trying to solidify and strengthen an autocracy.

Only one philosophy can make things better. And it’s not autocracy.

LOL so much BS I don’t know where or how to respond…good job!

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No offense, but ■■■■ democracy. It’s simply an oligarchy of 300 million instead of an oligarchy of 20.

Individual liberty in a republic is the only way to true equality.

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You could have all that today by doing what middle class families did back in the old days. Only things that’s changed between now and than is no one wants to do without the latest and greatest.

You can still have all that families had after WWII. The thing is you don’t want to live like they did.

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How do those two statements not conflict?

Equal outcomes is the true goal? There’s a bit of honesty.

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You believe that is remotely possible.

Liberal democracy is what transformed the globe, away from autocracies (many survived). Many of those on the hard right are trying to revamp them.

Do you not see that?

It is true liberalism changed the world. It has nothing to do with your philosophy.

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Representative democratic republicanism is what inspired, and created western civilization as we know it today, where a middle class was created…and is still strong in some areas, not so much in others (See USA).

We had individual liberty in a republic in the 19th century. Not much equality going on during that time.

It will be 2 mil by the end of the year. Potential Dim voters. Cubans and Haitians are not allowed per clown Biden.

Representative liberal republicanism changed the world, which has nothing to do with your philosophy.

:rofl: I wish you knew what those words actually mean.

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Covid was brought here by space aliens. Trump knew that but besmirched beautiful china.