When It Is All Better


That’s because you don’t understand it at all.

but I didn’t see them mentioning CRT. :rofl:

You didn’t? Odd.

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Why should teachers talk about race at all?

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They have to. How else are they going to explain it?

Explain what? With the exception of history class there would be no reason to talk about race in any other subject.

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Still confusing can’t with haven’t. Not the same thing.

Inequality of outcomes. Double standards. Inequity. Affirmative action.

Far more people graduate college today than they did then. Try again.


That’s not correct, Earth is not a closed system. According to NASA:

“Scientists estimate that about 48.5 tons (44 tonnes or 44,000 kilograms) of meteoritic material falls on the Earth each day.”

Did we? You sure?

And you attribute A to B? Because people went to college? You’re sure that’s the cause?

Let me give you a couple of little hints:

  1. You don’t have to go to college to stay out of poverty and have a good life. In fact in many cases it’s probably counterproductive.

  2. Everybody isn’t cut out for college. For some (many, most), it is a complete waste of time.


We’re back on topic now. Thanks.

The US middle class started contracting in 1971.

What changed?

“Grandpa, Tell Me ‘bout the Good Ol’ Days” is a song.

You want to be June Cleaver?

They can’t…and won’t.

How do you teach slavery without mentioning race?

I’m beginning to think you’re right. Could it be there is no vision?

Why do you need to teach it?

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Because it’s a part of our history.

You want to memory hole slavery?

oh, lot’s a of stuff that I think we should reverse.

But I got to boogie. Maybe more later tonight.

I should have been clearer; objectively, what is the purpose of teaching “slavery” to children today?

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My state middle class fell 9.11 percent in last 5 years…while home values climb 53 percent.

Working middle class is being driven out.


Oh they have a vision…just can’t admit it.

Their idea of ideal society is them, those with right think…and rest of people.

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