When It Is All Better

Dunno. But our economy and quality of life will improve.

Anti-racist policies can be geared toward the private sector - see anti-discrimination laws.

We don’t have open borders.

What is CT?

I don’t know anyone trying to create utopia, but I guess that’s just a word…an America where working one job would allow anyone to raise a family, enjoy a few creature comforts and enjoy a few vacation days to take advantage of our awesome country - or even travel abroad! - is basically what I am hoping for. Oh, and also, where cops murder fewer people, and also where we don’t have more gun deaths than every other industrialized nation.

I mean, there are other things, but that’s the bulk of my political interests.

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There we go.

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:rofl: Critical Theory.

A more balanced economy is a more stable economy. Everyone benefits from that.

Also, the more people in an expanded middle class means more people living a good life in that Happy Days kind of way…

You mean Critical Race Theory?

How are you going to balance it and get more people into the middle class?

Critical Race Theory is a subset of Critical Theory.

Follow the guidelines of the past, when we had a stronger middle class and a more balanced economy.

Strong unions, higher relative minimum wage, slightly higher taxes for the top wage earners, government funded higher education (ie: the GI bill).

All this things we had when our middle class was booming and most American families could thrive on one salary - which improves our quality of life in countless ways.


I have no problem with discussions of the impact of racism on America, but as far as I can tell there is no serious effort afoot to make critical race theory an over arching precept of public education, so your question is moot.

When was this?

You do realize the GI Bill is in effect, right?

We never had strong unions here.

Might want to take a look at this. I don’t think you’re using the right model.

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Well, you’re just wrong about that.

Yeah, but we don’t have enough GIs to make a real dent in things.

That is an amazing justification for free college.

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Why so amazing?

We educated millions of Americans returning from WWII and we enjoyed a period of prosperity and an expanding middle class, which led to a stable economy that everyone benefited from. Households lived well on one income, which improved quality of life.

You don’t think those are worthy things to recapture?

Got proof? It’s not happening in our public school system.

The northeast and California, the states that follow this model, are hemorrhaging middle class.

You’re wrong. It is and has been. Gender Critical Feminism, Critical Queer Theory, etc.

CRT is just the latest track. And one of the least sophisticated by the way.

So the Fantastic Four will never really become a thing?

Bummer. :cry:

Do you object to what those teachers are doing?

I just skimmed your post, but I didn’t see them mentioning CRT. Just that they were discussing race more in their lessons.

But to your OP, I think it’s all a boogey man. Discussing racism, slavery etc… isn’t some devious plot to mind meld the country and assimilate them into the Borg.