When It Is All Better

No the argument that you think the human race means a race.

Does it not, in a way?

“Hannah-Jones responded that while she is not an expert on race relations internationally, she believed the most “equal” and “multiracial” country in the Western hemisphere is Cuba, which she attributed to socialism.”

She is not an expert, why quote a layman.

Drag out the dumbest prog available and ask her questions that aren’t in her expertise.

Hell might as well ask her about the string theory.


She’s the dumbest prog ever and being taught in thousands of schools across the nation? Do you see the disconnect here? Perhaps listening to people that believe Fidel Castro was the second coming of Christ might guarantee a particularly hellish future?

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It’s like asking a math professor about a Shakespeare quote.

Do you see what I am getting at?


Anybody that believes Cuba is a “utopia” to aspire to needs to be discarded from public life.

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Most republicans feel the election was stolen from trump.

Maybe we should keep that faction out of the mainstream too.

If you want to talk about dumb.

There is dimness on both sides…


[quote=“SneakySFDude, post:187, topic:239639, full:true”]

Will it last long enough for us to figure us out?
Earth is a closed system.

You’re really struggling with this. You should take a break.

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Undocumented can’t get Obamacare. Your posted video is not evidence to the contrary

I believe you. We have small parts in Seattle that are the vast majority isn’t. I would imagine without looking NYC and LA have done better than most but it’s a small subset in the bigger sum.

Stop cluchng pearls and finish the statement. How many were let in the country? You wouldn’t just be trying to score cheap points would ya? :sunglasses::beer:

…a little too late for a Michael Jackson moonwalk by Harris. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


That was a play on words. OMG! :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Can they walk into a hospital and be treated? Who pays?

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She’s right in a weird way. They are all equally ■■■■■■ thanks to communist ideology. She’s just an idiot who is taking the wrong lessons away from the reality.


You made an argument based on that play on words.

[quote=“ResPrivita, post:208, topic:239639, full:true”]

No, earth isn’t a closed system, ton of resources in near space.

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That has nothing to do with Obamacare. That has been the law for decades.

…that we can’t introduce into the currently closed earth environmental system.