When It Is All Better

1 million illegal aliens this year…and those are only the ones apprehended PROVE the borders are open and Democrats encouraged and continue to encourage them through their policies.

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We’re under open borders immigration policy biden only?


Did Biden tell illegal aliens he wants taxpayers to pay for their healthcare…yes or no?

Of course not,

where did you get such an idea?

It is not United States policy.


(2) All Democrats Say Their Health Plan Would Cover Undocumented Immigrants - YouTube

You are wrong and my only question is, are you in denial, oblivious to the truth or just plain out of it?

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So where is Biden’s healthcare plan. Obamacare is the law of the land.

And illegals are not covered under it.


Evolution into what?

Did you see Biden raise his hand for free healthcare? Yes? So did illegal aliens who are now surging the border in record numbers as a direct result. Then guess what he did next?

Biden Freezes ICE; Suspends 85% of Criminal Alien Deportations

Biden Freezes ICE; Suspends 85% of Criminal Alien Deportations (cis.org)

^^^^^^^ all that equates to an open border policy ^^^^^^^^^

Smyrna :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


You have it backwards

They are a few somewhat successes NYC is less bad than DC, Austin, Seattle etc… it is still mostly segregated and we again point to one city a little better segregated as things working. It was already bad covid just made things worse.


I’m beginning to think they want to eliminate competition.

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I do not. Give me 5 names of people who are being accused of racism. Along with the reason. This should be easy if I have it backwards.


We’re I work (hells kitchen) is fully integrated. No somewhat about it.


And now United States policy is to deport.

It’s pretty simple.

There are no open borders policy in the United States right now July 18, 2021 527edt.

Our policy is to deport.


I asked for the examples too.

Serious damage has been done way prior to today. One million in the first 6 months alone and June being the largest of them all at 188,829. The trend is going the wrong way due to the message sent loud and clear…the southern border is wide open.


Well except it’s not.

Do you miss the Harris missive to stay home?


I saw that.


Is this my answer? “Most equal”. Rioting in the streets because of no food? No medicine? No hope?