When do Black lives matter? fact is they don't!

We’d you’ve been successfully baited, best delete.

How is that racist?

it is actually a question of perspective

more hurdles than who?
who causes the hurdles?
how can some overcome and some cannot?

point being he stoked the flames of division

And from the perspective of the Mod’s you have successfully been baited and you really should delete before they get involved.

Thank you for calling me out since I’m the only person in the history of all Hannity posting who has ever made a typo. I apologize for ruining this glorious website’s perfect track record in grammar and language. I should consider myself graced by your post pointing out my grievous error since we know that you, @WildRose, have never ever in their whole life ever made a typo because you are perfection personified. We, as imperfect posters, should all inspire to the level of linguistic aptitude that you display here daily.

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That is definitely true for sure. It would hard to find overtly racist comments made by him but he never missed an opportunity to jump in to pour gas and fan the flames when the high profile cases came up he could “use” for his own purposes


I hate it when a supposed tolerant host acts like Twitter. There is no hallowed ground anymore for free speech.

IN most cases black people dying is not covered, but throw in the police and then we demonstrate.

the hypocrisy is deeply disturbing.

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A typo is hitting the wrong key. You made up you own word instead.

It’s ok, it was good for a laugh. :joy: :grinning: :joy:

Oh thank you, great master of the English language, for pointing out that the word hurtle does not exist. If only we could all be limitless vessels of knowledge like you, dear @WildRose.

Good thing that didn’t happen.

That’s not what Obama says!

Didn’t hear the name isis.

Yes you did, that’s what Obama has always called them. Beside jv


Black lives obviously don’t matter to these seven ■■■■■■■■■

That’s a nice little leap in logic there…

I can list three things that helped foster racism, even if they weren’t racist themselves.

“The police acted stupidly”
“Trayvon would have looked like my son”
“ “The situation in Ferguson speaks to broader challenges that we still face as a nation. The fact is, in too many parts of this country, a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color.” commenting on Michael Brown and Ferguson, which was a justified shoot.

Yeah, not buying it.