When do Black lives matter? fact is they don't!

do you think Obama trained Antifa like he did ISIS?

That’s what I thought…

I see you pick and chose who can be racists, got it.

Where did I say that? You are the one using the word racist…not me.

Your defending Obama’s racists past with Rev. Wright.

No…no I wasn’t.

Specifically, David Dorn
Generally any other police officer that has been killed.

Where are the demonstrations

I thought it was a good question.


i thought you would remember Obama stoking racism for political gain.

the doctors, asking what specifically i was referring to.

It was. I wasn’t referring to him.

Having beer with the cops was a good thing.

Gates was wronged.

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maybe Obama did not need to apologize for calling the cops stupid.

I wouldn’t have.

They were stupid.

He could have stayed neutral but instead he fueled anti police sentiment.

he is divisive.


Sometimes divisive is the right path.

Like right now. Sometimes conflict needs to happen.

The police were abusive to Gates.

The police in Minneapolis brutalized and murdered Floyd.

This ■■■■ has to stop.

Gates was an ass with a giant chip on his shoulder. Same thing happened to me years ago, living in a city in my twenties, forgot my key, so I climbed through a window, cops came and asked me to prove I lived there, I showed them my id and a utility bill and thanked them for looking out for my property.

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No he was not.

The police were in the wrong. It was his property.

They don’t get to arrest him for yelling at them.

Once the police admitted they believed he lived there, their task was over and the ONLY thing they should have done at that point was leave.

Not even sure they had to believe it. He said he lived there…and he did.

It’s over at that point…period.

so you think killing is a good way to avenge killing.

in other words sometimes violence is good.

who decides when?

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