When do Black lives matter? fact is they don't!

Church of hate? Fire and brimstone preachers regularly say God will damn America for xyz. Have you ever been to a Southern church?

Your in depth addition to the discussion is just astounding.

Not really. Saying the police acted stupidly is fostering racism? Against who? The police race?

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RT? Not surprised. He obviously misspoke.

Are you choosing who can and can’t be racist?
It sounds like it when it comes to Obama.

The first and foremost being the level of responsibility their parents provided in guiding them into adulthood…


Yes. The white house issued a correction afterward.

Words have meaning.

Overall crime in Chicago fell 20% in May 2020 compared to the same month last year, but murders increased by about 60% and shooting victims rose by 71%, according to police statistics.

Do all black lives matter to black lives matter? If so, where are the protests?

Is it purely external issues plaguing the black “community” or do internal problems drown out any hope of progress?


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The answer requires personal reflection and that…drowns out any hope of progress. It’s much easier to point fingers at others and that truth, stands in the way of the real answer.


There are things that outrage me, but leftist causes aren’t even a remote consideration.

If only there were a way to truly show someone that as soon as they stop blaming the world for all the problems around them, their lives will improve immediately, by their own hands. :man_shrugging:

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Providing a personal example is my best methodology towards accomplishing that goal.

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IMO, the whole thing is just an excuse for those who loot and destroy property. Of course his life doesn’t matter to them or they wouldn’t have taken it. But, they did take their free stuff.

I think the answer is self evident.

Personal responsibility for one’s present and future is taught by parents.

There are many great parents out there who do just that.


Some parents, yes. Mine were not good role models. In fairness, they always told me to take responsibility for my own thoughts and actions. However, they never practiced what they preached. A lot of lessons learned the painful way. :man_shrugging:

Most lessons are learned the painful way. At that point you have a choice to make. Blame others or take personal inventory and make a change to make your life better.

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