What's Your Vision for the Country?

I never knew you were for flat tax

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Universal healthcare with a strong emphasis on preventative care. Also, a nation-wide overhaul that would see the removal of toxic waste, soil and water - there are far too many homes still affected by lead and soil contaminated by industrial pollution that continues to plague post-industrial America.

The benefits will be an increase in life expectancy and a decrease in violence and preventable illness. The negatives, of course, is that it will cost a lot and require a massive healthcare overhaul, such as the setup of a large, nationwide database that contains medical information.

I like the principle behind it.


And how would you enforce that? What does it mean preventative? See IMO that;s the catch.

Now there is a helluva vision! Is working the end or the means?

Maybe we could use a little de-emphasizing of something else?

Which in my case would require a complete overhaul of government.

Is increasing life expectancy important to you? Why?

I see a complete overhaul of the “education” system that has failed the last 2 generations… if they survive their revolution that is…


I believe in options…with current system is lacking competition that is needed for competitive society. We ceased to grow with present system we have now. If fact I would say we are regressing ATM.

I have a vision of pols not putting forth bills they know are unConstitutional and counting on the SCOTUS to “fix it”. Of pols not voting for bills they know are bad just because they come out of their tribe.

So much legislation is just sheer and utter ■■■■■

A vision of clean bills and honesty, written in language easily understandable by Americans with a high school education. With the Constitutional justification included in the summary of the bill.

I also have a vision in which the courts have to provide us notification of ever decision. One page in plain English. Including refusal to “grant” certiorari.

Those high and mighty jack asses need their necks wound in.

An education system that actually teaches useful things (in no particular order of importance):

Wood working
Home Economics (cooking, cleaning, budgeting, etc.)
Applied Mathematics
Applied Science
Computer Programming

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Government class

More individual freedom. Less regulation of behavior.

  1. Revisit and amend the Commerce clause of the Constitution. It’s been abused to death for 200 years and it’s too vague. It needs to specifically state that it is for regulating actual interstate commerce and what counts for that, not just what the Federal government claims as interstate commerce, which is everything and every action under the damn sun.

  2. Eminent domain needs a severe overhaul. Another policy that is horribly abused by both the states and the feds.

  3. Healthcare reform. Perhaps single payer, but I’m not sold on any specific plans.

  4. No civil forfeiture without conviction. And even then, the state must prove that said items were used in the pursuance of criminal activity.

  5. Repeal the 17th amendment and return the Senate to what it was supposed to be. An updated version of the House of Lords. Not a rabble that has 6 year terms instead of 2 year terms.

I’ll think of more later.


Good stuff. I should have beat you to the punch on the 17th.

That’s the problem…when government helps their are always strings attach.

I’m still waiting on what it means preventive healthcare.

A sustainable system of production… The energy invested per unit time should not overburden the self-renewing, self-cleansing, and self-generating capacities of the ecosystem. True sustainability. This may mean a zero-growth economy, whatever that entails. The era of growth will be over because it cannot be sustained indefinitely. That’s been the tragic story of human success. It will happen, but perhaps not on “our” terms.

And what would you do when other countries does follow suit?

It’s simply inevitable, eventually, for the globe.

So how are you going to impose it on dictators…like Chinese government?

Not my department. It’s simply inevitable. No imposition necessary.